Once the summer workshop is over and teachers are back in the classroom using the strategies they've learned, questions arise concerning lesson implementation, content, materials, and assessment.
Classroom teachers are provided with a site-based support structure. "Support Teachers" from TAPESTRIES are assigned to schools, and are in elementary buildings five days a week to help with lesson implementation, content questions, materials, and assessment issues. Monthly site-based meetings take place led by the support teachers. This year, classroom teachers have received pedagogical information and support teacher-created assessments (which they then piloted in their classrooms). These meetings also provided the opportunity to ask questions and discuss classroom successes and areas of concern. During the spring, classroom teachers attend the TAPESTRIES Science Symposium. This one-day event is designed to provide classroom teachers additional support and professional development. Teachers choose three of approximately 30, one-hour workshops to attend. This allows teachers to select topics that are relevant to their classroom needs. By providing this professional development and support, teachers experience continuity and growth.
Vicki Egan,
Professional Development
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