Measuring the achievement/progress of Middle School students in Algebra I courses.
In 1999-00, the district mathematics course requirements for secondary students were made more rigorous. In order to best prepare students to meet increased graduation requirements of both the state of California and Fresno Unified School District, all Middle School students in grades 7 and 8 were enrolled in either a 1-year or a 2-year Algebra I class. A benchmark test was developed to measure student progress in this course of study. Items were aligned with district content standards and results were made available for each student, as well as summaries for classroom, school and district. The test is being administered 4 times a year.
Fine-tuning of test items to ensure alignment to course content is ongoing. How can test results be used to improve instruction and student achievement?
Yvonne Freve,
Student Outcomes, Curriculum Implementation And Materials Support
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