Development of an assessment system that provides useful information to all stakeholders regarding student achievement on district standards.
In 1999-2000, Fresno Unified School District implemented a new assessment system called the Assessment of Baseline Curriculum Standards (ABCs). The purpose of the new assessment is the measurement of student achievement and growth over time. The ABCs's are aligned to district standards in Reading/Language Arts and Mathematics. Twice per year, once at the beginning and once at the end, students in grades 3 through 9 take a multiple-choice level test that matches their current functioning ability in each of three subject areas: Reading, Language and Mathematics. After testing is completed, teachers and parents are provided with information about student achievement on district standards. We are currently training teachers to interpret test results and have received positive feedback on the usefulness of this new assessment tool. The testing package was developed in conjunction with the Northwest Evaluation Association, an organization that specializes in working with school districts to develop achievement level testing systems.
Key unresolved issues include examining links between student performance on the ABCs with the number of teacher hours of professional development in mathematics, and finding ways to weave alternative assessments (open-ended questions, performance tasks, embedded assessments, etc.) into the current system.
Yvonne Freve,
Student Outcomes
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