How does a large district provide professional development in technology that emphasizes national standards and curriculum integration through site-based leadership, district support and multiple professional development models.
A framework of professional development is offered that provides a basic knowledge base for every teacher in the district. The core of each training emphasizes how technology can be a vehicle for meeting National Standards in math and science through curriculum integration. The first level of professional development is "Integrating ClarisWorks/Office into the Classroom" (32 hrs.). The specific application is taught via specific lessons/activities that address National Standards and district curriculum. Teachers apply their knowledge by creating lessons that address National Standards and targeted curriculum objectives. These lessons are in a database for teachers to access. The second level addresses multimedia and the use of HyperStudio, PowerPoint, scanners, digital cameras, etc. (16 hrs). Again, teachers are asked to complete a project that helps them synthesize their knowledge of curriculum/standards and technology's role in that process. The third piece of the framework involves instruction on the Internet (8 hrs) which includes enhancing teacher's knowledge base, accessing lesson plan databases, Internet on-line projects, webquests and project-based learning activities. All these activities focus around meeting National Standards and curriculum objectives. Teachers culminate this training by writing an Internet lesson that directly relates to National Standards and district curriculum. Multiple professional development models are used to meet the varied knowledge base of teachers throughout our district. Teachers may complete some courses via independent study while other classes/workshops are taught on site by technology liaisons (site-based leadership group). Our technology liaisons have had professional development in technology, National Standards, leadership, the change process and teaching adult learners. As teachers develop their skills in the integration of technology, other professional development options are available. Workshops are designed by specialists in conjunction with technology liaisons at school sites. These workshops include developing Internet Units around Math/Science, WebQuests in math/science, Spreadsheets in the Math/Science Classroom, Image Processing, Designing a Web Page that supports your Curriculum, and Effectively Using One Computer to support instruction. Our Summer Technology Institute (2 weeks) is a big success because teachers, by grade levels, meet to "construct" learning around National Standards/curriculum and how technology can support this goal. They meet as collaborative teams while completing 15-25 projects that address Standards/curriculum at their respective grade levels. A CD is burned of all the projects developed at the Summer Institute and given to each participant. Support for continued sharing/professional development is offered via site-leadership, district resources and a listserv. After the basic framework of professional development is completed, teacher needs drive the development of new training while also looking at various models of delivery. Always at the core of new professional development is how technology can be used to support the integration of National Standard and district curriculum into instruction.
Continued demands on teacher time and the need to expand our trainer of trainer model via our leadership group so that ample instructors who are knowledgeable in Standards and technology are available as instructors.
Perry C Montoya,
Professional Development