
This sounds fascinating. Is there a feedback loop between the scorers and the rubric-writers, such that the scorers' experience improves some of the rubrics (which might enhance reliability etc.)? I wish I could attend the workshop, are there going to be any materials available for non-attenders to benefit from?
Brian Drayton,
There is continuous feedback from teachers during the scoring process that has allowed the revision and improvement of the scoring guides (rubrics) over the last 4 years. A calibration process has been established using anchor papers, and designated table leaders and chief readers conduct "read behinds" to check on variations that may not be acceptable. Our scoring institute to be held July 17-21 is available for visitation by any LSC site that would like to come. Several sites are already planning to come and learn from our process. Dissemination materials are not available at this time, but will be available as part of a presentation during the NSELA Summer Leadership Institute to be held in Raleigh, North Carolina, from July 12-15. The institutes theme is Assessment in Science. Contact Pat Bowers for registration information at (pbowers@email.unc.edu). The embedded assessments are directly from the FOSS curriculum, and all of our developed scoring guides and revisions have been shared with the staff at LHS. Individualized consulting on the development of performance assessments and the use of scoring guides can be arranged for interested projects/districts. Please contact me for more information.
Jerry David Valadez,