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Reform of science education from a didactic to an inquiry-based...

Issue Addressed:

Reform of science education from a didactic to an inquiry-based approach throughout a school district


+ Pilot each new module by one teacher in a district. This teacher provides feedback to the district regarding suitability of the modules to meet district curriculum needs as well as leadership in providing professional development to the other teachers who will implement the module the following year. + Implement one new module per year per grade and begin one new grade per year throughout the school district, building from the lower grades up. This establishes the base in a well chosen curriculum to assure that students at higher grades will have experienced the previous curriculum assumed and necessary for constructive understanding. + Immediately preceding introduction of the new module into their classrooms, all teachers participate in a full day workshop. This is followed with another full day workshop half-way through the module use. During the workshops teachers, working in cooperative groups, carry out all activities including selected extensions. + Full implementation is achieved when each grade is using four modules per year. + This approach assures uniform evolution in implementation throughout the district and completeness when the process is fully carried out. This systematic approach also avoids overloading teachers with too much that is new at one time, while providing the necessary prerequisite learning for students at each stage.

Unresolved Issues:

This does not address issues of quality of reform, just completeness of implementation.


Richard H Comfort, 1/9/1998


Program Management



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