
Can we hear from several projects how they have gone about involving principals? Are many projects working on developing prof. dev. experiences for prinicpals and administrators?
Joni Falk,
Here at TAPESTRIES we hold an annual Principal's Retreat. An invitation is sent to principals in all schools that our project encompasses and follow-up calls are made to recruit participants. This year's event included an informational session, an instructional session on "What a good science lesson looks like", the opportunity for the principals to rate a video-taped classroom science lesson, an update on our website, and a meal. The event creates enthusiasm amongst most participants. There are still principals who have not attended and whose support we have not gained. We would like the support of all of our two districts' principals and would love to hear from projects who've experienced success in this area. Per suggestions by some participants, we would like to include more constructivist activities in next year's retreat. Again, we would appreciate suggestions.
Vicki Egan,