What would be an effective model for professional development that emulates constructivist-based instruction?
Professional development activities for LSC projects are presumably to promote inquiry-based and constructivist-based instruction. Project staff may benefit from considering a variety of models. The following model came to mind during the PI/Evaluator's conference, 1/15/98 - 1/17/98 and is submitted as a way of organizing and designing activities: - Observe effective/ineffective teaching (video tapes, demo teaching) -Discuss each and identify key elements of each - In small groups, reflect on lessons that are currently being taught or lessons that will be taught as part of new curriculum implementation - Begin modifying plans and teaching practices and discuss these plans with others - Implement changes in the classroom - Reconvene as a group and debrief new practices
The model is theoretical and needs testing. For example, what would be the timeframe for the model and what would be the source of model lessons?
Gerard F Consuegra,
Professional Development
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