As more and more teachers use the adopted science materials they increasingly expressed the need for site support in the management of the materials. How do we provide support to sites in the management of science materials?
The science associate position was developed to provide sites with 100 hours of support per year for two years. All schools were encouraged to select a science associate from their pool of paraprofessionals or volunteers. In round one of the program 27 schools participated, round two included 23 additional schools. In this model, the science associates attend centralized monthly meetings that focus on building a community of support, knowledge of science reform, kit and material familiarization, and tools that facilitate the management of science material at the site. They take the knowledge gained back to the site and are able to manage material, inventory kits, refurbish kits, and in some cases support teachers in the classroom during science instruction. This position has had the added effect of placing an advocate for science reform within the school site community. The model provides start-up funding for two years after which the sites will be responsible for the continuation of the program. The district will continue to support the associates with monthly professional development meetings.
How do sites continue the science associate program which supports the teaching and learning of science and stay within their budgetary constraints?
Margo Fontes,
Program Management, Professional Development, Curriculum Implementation And Materials Support