posted by:
Miriam Robin
on August 18, 1999
at 12:24PM
Questions for forum
This is from Miriam Robin, Middle School Science Supervisor West Windsor-Plainsboro Middle Schools
1. Your Reviews: Instructional Materials for MS have consisted of a variety of teacher-gathered activities. In 7th grade, we divide the year in two parts, life science and physical science. In 8th grade, we devote the school year to chemistry and earth science. Sixth grade is just joining us and they do 4 kits from the NSF grant e=mc2. They are covering some earth and physical science as well as a problem-solving module. We do have Prentice-Hall texts as resource material, but most teachers use it as reading for homework or just another source of info. We have used various GEMS modules as well as SEPUP, computer simulation programs, and the British SATIS series. 2. Identifying Needs: In order to extend the science initiative into the middle grades, I believe teachrs will need to participate in high-quality inquiry activities. Middle School teachers are subject area specialists who may have a difficult time letting go of their traditional ways. Many are already well committed to hands-on science, but have not made a transfer to true inquiry. This needs to be modeled. Teachers will need a resource of instructional materials that provide this information. We are attending a LASER showcase in September which will feature new MS materials. 3. I believe, in light of NJ State Standards, new curriculum should be predominantly in a "true" science mode. However, since we are organized into interdisciplinary teams, some ID units would be most beneficial. Some schools may look for a year-long program, while other may wish to adopt a variety of modules. Having a text is not as important as having high quality reading material for the students. Reading in the content areas is an important experience for students before they leave middle school. I cannot comment on the social/societal or historical context without seeing examples of each. I think both would lend important dimensions to the study of any science. 4. The primary barriers to implementing curricular change are time and resources to train teachers. We need to justify the change and expose teachers to the benefits for them and their students. We also need to give them the opportunity to view appropriate materials. We also need to make sure that technology is available and teachers are quite competent in using computers and knowing how to integrate the internet and other technology into the classroom. We have some money to buy new materials, but it depends on many factors. I hope this answers your questions somewhat. Miriam A. Robin