"The National Staff Development Council is committed to results-driven staff development, the kind of professional learning that is intended to increase student achievement. With the support of the Edna McConnell Clark Foundation and the National Education Association, NSDC has identified content-specific staff development initiatives in the core content areas of language arts (literacy, reading, writing, literature, language), mathematics, science, social studies, and interdisciplinary studies that have evidence of increasing student achievement.
The staff development programs included in What Works in the Elementary Grades: Results-based Staff Development, What Works in the Middle: Results-based Staff Development, and What Works in the High School: Results-based Staff Development meet the following criteria:
- Evidence of increasing student achievement
- Well-designed staff development program
- Increase teachers' content knowledge and/or content-specific pedagogy
- Are implemented in multiple sites"
NOTE: The link below will bring you to the NSDC site and you will need to click the "Results-Based" heading in the navigation bar at the top of the page. This will then bring you to the page where you can choose to open one of the following 3 PDF files: 1) What Works in the Elementary Grades: Results-based Staff Development; 2) What Works in the Middle: Results-based Staff Development; or 3) What Works in the High School: Results-based Staff Development. These documents are very large PDF files that may be difficult to open on-line and so you may want to download them to your computer and then open them from your desktop: , right-click on the PDF link and select the option from the menu that says "Save link as" or "Save file as" depending on your browser.
TO DO THIS USING A MAC, hold the "Control" button while clicking on the PDF link and select the option that says "Download link to disk" or "Save link as" depending on your browser. Once you've saved this onto your computer you can open it much more quickly.