
Gerard F. Consuegra
Science Connections Project
Following nearly two years of exploration and field testing, project staff and middle school science leadership teachers have made tentative decisions for adoption and implementation. These materials were selected to help teachers support new middle school science outcomes
and units of instruction, Grades 6-8.
Read about making Middle School Science Curricula Decisions.
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Following nearly two years of exploration and field testing, project
staff and middle school science leadership teachers have made tentative
decisions for adoption and implementation. These materials were
selected to help teachers support new middle school science outcomes
and units of instruction, Grades 6-8. In addition to content, other criteria were used.
Materials were selected that best addressed or include the following
- Scientifically accurate
- Inquiry/problem solving
- Developmental appropriateness
- Intended grade level for which materials were designed
- Use of technology
- Intradisciplinary (i.e., earth, life, physical)
- Interdisciplinary (w/ English, mathematics, social studies)
- Connections (i.e., Grades 6-8; within each grade level)
- Relevance to everyday life
- Local needs and interest
Teachers are now being trained to use the new materials and project
staff, leadership science teachers, and participating scientists
continue to search for additional materials. As new materials are
located, published, and field tested and found to meet designated
content as well as the listed criteria, they will be added to the
adopted core science materials list.
Science Connections
Montgomery County Public Schools
Middle School Science Core Materials
Draft 4 (Revised 1/99)
Grade 6 Materials
- Measuring Time: Starting with the use of natural phenomena such as the sun and moon, students investigate how people have measured time over the centuries. During the unit students construct sundials, monitor the phases of the moon, construct a calendar, design controlled experiments to explore water clock and pendulum variables, and build an escapement clock. Measuring Time was developed by the National Sciences Resource Center (NSRC) with support from the National Academy of Sciences and the Smithsonian Institution. Science Kit and Teachers Manual: Taylor Science Center 301-353-0866. Student Booklet: Carolina Biological Supply Company, Inc.: (1-800-334-5551)
- Thrill Ride!: Students investigate the physics of amusement park rides. Through a series of readings and investigations students learn about the forces which affect people on various amusement park rides. For their final project, students use their understanding of forces and motion to design an amusement park ride. Thrill Ride! was developed by the Event-Based Science Project with support from a National Science Foundation grant. (Student Edition) ISBN# 0-201-49737-9, (Teacher Guide with Video) ISBN# 0-201-49739-5, (Classroom Set) ISBN# 0-201-49740-9. Event-Based Science Project: (1-800-327-7252)
- Chesapeake Choices and Challenges: Students investigate issues that may affect the health of the Chesapeake Bay. Through a series of investigations, activities, and readings, students learn about Chesapeake Bay issues and how their actions affect the Bays health. They use their understanding of the Bay to develop solutions to Bay problems and to design service learning projects. Chesapeake Choices and Challenges was developed by the Chesapeake Bay Foundation in coordination with the State Department of Education. Teachers guide distributed through MCPS/CBF workshops.
- Scavenger Hunt: Students explore the World Wide Web through a series of directed activities. Students write "driving questions," locate and browse web sites, and evaluate the usefulness of information found on the web. Scavenger Hunt was developed by the Middle Years Digital Library Teaching and Learning Group at the University of Michigan.
- Science Sleuths: Students solve a mystery or problem that involves biological, chemical, physical, and/or ecological concepts. Students view a series of video clips where individuals explain aspects of the problem. Students formulate hypotheses, investigate clues that may or may not support their theories, collaborate with classmates, and finally prepare a lab report with summary and recommendations. The Grade 6 mysteries are Neo-Cassava: The Tropical Miracle, Dead Fish on Union Lake, and Traffic Accident. Science Sleuths was developed by the Minnesota Educational Computer Consortium. ISBN# SCISLE01LD. VideoDiscovery: (1-800-548-3472)
Grade 7 Materials
- Making Waves: Students investigate the properties and characteristics of waves and apply these principles to light and sound waves. Students begin by examining the general properties of waves using mechanical waves in water and string. They later apply these principles to light, sound, and ocean waves. Students also learn how sounds are heard in the ear and how light is seen by the eye. Making Waves is part of the Science Links series that was developed by The Agency for Instructional Technology, a Division of South-Western Educational Publishing. (Student Text) ISBN# 0-538-66872-5, (Teacher Text) ISBN# 0-538-66873-3, (Teacher Kit) ISBN# 0-538-66871-7. South-Western Educational Publishing: (1-800-354-9706)
- Ears to the Sky: Students examine the physics of energy transformation by investigating various methods of communication. Through a series of investigations, students examine how people communicate, what sound is, how voices and musical instruments work, the mechanism for hearing, the properties of light and how light is detected, and how messages are received and sent through outer space. Ears to the Sky, a Science 2000 module, was developed by Decision Development Corporation. (1-800-835-4332, ext. 104)
- Outbreak!: Students investigate communicable diseases. Students read about an outbreak of the deadly Ebola virus, investigate how diseases are spread, examine how the body fights disease, and use information gathered in the unit to solve a real-life outbreak. Outbreak! was developed by the Event-Based Science Project with support from a National Science Foundation grant. (Student Edition) ISBN# 0-201-49744-1, (Teacher Guide with Video) ISBN# 0-201-49746-8, (Classroom Set) ISBN# 0-201-49747-6. Event-Based Science Project: (1-800-327-7252)
- Asteroid!: Students investigate astronomy, with a minor emphasis on paleontology. They learn about an asteroid impact with Earth, explore concepts related to solar-system astronomy, and use information gathered in the unit to warn people of Earth about a new asteroid. Asteroid! was developed by the Event-Based Science Project with support from a National Science Foundation grant. (Student Edition) ISBN# 0-201-49443-4, Teacher Guide with Video) ISBN# 0-201-49446-9, (Classroom Set) ISBN# 0-201-49447-7. Event-Based Science Project: (1-800-327-7252)
- The Great Solar System Rescue: Students, through a series of problem solving activities, locate a missing space probe. Students use cooperative learning techniques and research skills to formulate hypotheses, plan an investigation, investigate and decipher clues, and finally locate the missing space probe. The Great Solar System Rescue was developed by Tom Snyder Publications. (1-800-342-0236)
- Astronomy: Tactics and Strategies for Leading On-Line Investigations: Students plan and carry out inquiry-based on-line investigations on astronomy topics. Using the "investigation wheel," students ask driving questions, plan an on-line investigation, search the web for information, assess the validity and appropriateness of gathered information, compile facts and ideas, and formulate a response to their driving question. Astronomy: Tactics and Strategies for Leading On-Line Investigations was developed by the Middle Years Digital Library Teaching and Learning Group at the University of Michigan.
Grade 8 Materials:
- Hurricane!: Students investigate hurricanes and weather concepts. Students watch a video about Hurricane Andrew, track hurricanes to predict their paths, investigate convection currents and the water cycle, and publish a hurricane newspaper. Hurricane! was developed by the Event-Based Science Project with support from a National Science Foundation grant. (Student Edition) ISBN# 0-201-49094-3, (Teacher Guide with Video) ISBN# 0-201-49416-7, (Classroom Set) ISBN# 0-201-49413-2. Event-Based Science Project: (1-800-327-7252)
- Weather: Tactics and Strategies for Leading On-Line Investigations: Students plan and carry out inquiry-based on-line investigations on weather topics. Using the "investigation wheel," students ask driving questions, plan an on-line investigation, search the web for information, assess the validity and appropriateness of gathered information, compile facts and ideas, and formulate a response to their driving question. Weather: Tactics and Strategies for Leading On-Line Investigations was developed by the Middle Years Digital Library Teaching and Learning Group at the University of Michigan.
- Quake, Bake, and Shake: Students investigate the changing structure of Earth. They examine the major divisions of the earths structure, describe the forces that produce earthquakes and volcanoes, and investigate the properties of quake-resistant buildings. Quake, Bake, and Shake is part of the Science Links series that was developed by The Agency for Instructional Technology, a Division of South-Western Educational Publishing. (Student Text) ISBN# 0-538-668-628, (Teacher Text) ISBN# 0-538-668-636, (Kit) ISBN# 0-538-668-61X. South-Western Educational Publishing: 1-800-354-9706.
- Natural Disasters: Students investigate the dynamics of Earths constructive and destructive forces to formulate a plan for the safe storage of nuclear waste. They investigate where and why natural disasters such as volcanoes, earthquakes, floods, hurricanes, and tornadoes occur. They then use their knowledge to propose a depository site for nuclear waste. Natural Disasters, a Science 2000 module, was developed by Decision Development Corporation. (1-800-835-4332, ext. 104)
- The Lost Children: Genetics and Heredity: Students explore human genetics and molecular biology to solve a real-life problem. Through a series of activities, students learn how traits are transmitted from parent to offspring and they use their knowledge to identify the relatives of the Lost Children of Argentina. The Lost Children: Genetics and Heredity, a Science 2000 module, was developed by Decision Development Corporation. (1-800-835-4332, ext. 104)
- Science Sleuths: Students solve a mystery or problem that involves biological, chemical, physical, and/or ecological concepts. Students view a series of video clips where individuals explain aspects of the problem. Students formulate hypotheses, investigate clues that may or may not support their theories, collaborate with classmates, and finally prepare a lab report with summary and recommendations. The Grade 8 mysteries are The Blob, Twins or Not, Lost Mining Probe, and Misplaced Fossil. Science Sleuths was developed by the Minnesota Educational Computer Consortium. ISBN# PSCISLE01LD. VideoDiscovery: (1-800-548-3472)