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Supports and Barriers to Teacher Leadership: Reports of Teacher Leaders

author: Lynn F. Zinn
description: "While existing literature provides information about some of the conditions within the educational context that support or impede teacher leadership, it offers far more limited discussion of internal, intellectual and psycho-social factors and is nearly silent regarding conditions outside the educational context supporting or impeding teacher leadership. The purpose of this study, therefore, was develop a theoretical framework describing and categonzing key extemal and internal factors supporting and impeding teacher leadership. I began by categorizing sources of support and barriers within three distinct arenas: (a) conditions within the educational context; (b) conditions outside the educational context; and (c) intemal motivations. I used this categorization as basis for development of a theoretical framework."

Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association
Chicago, Illinois
March, 1997

Reproduced with permission from Lynn F. Zinn
Copyright 1997 Lynn F. Zinn
All Rights Reserved

published in: AERA (American Educational Research Association)
published: 1997
posted to site: 12/03/1998


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