
NSF Announces New Solicitation:
Teacher Professional Continuum (formerly Teacher Enhancement) Program
The Teacher Professional Continuum (TPC) program at the National Science Foundation (NSF) announces new funding opportunities to conduct research studies, as well as research and development projects for K-12 science, technology, and mathematics (STM) education. This professional continuum includes K-12 experiences, teacher preparation programs, instructional practice, professional development, leadership development, and other life and professional experiences.
The principal mission of the TPC program is to promote quality K-12 STM teaching through (1) the production of resources, (2) the development of infrastructure, and (3) the advancement of knowledge. To fulfill its mission, the TPC program set the following goals to:
- Improve the quality and coherence of the learning experiences that prepare and enhance STM teachers;
- Develop innovative curricula, materials, tools, ideas, and information resources that prepare and support STM teachers and administrators;
- Research, develop, and identify models, organizational structures, and systems that support the teacher professional continuum;
- Research teacher learning throughout the teacher professional continuum and its impact on teaching practice using scientifically-based investigations;
- Advance the knowledge base on the preparation, enhancement, and retention of STM teachers, and on the strategies that strengthen and diversify the STM teaching profession; and
- Disseminate this knowledge and research, as well as innovative models and resources, to a national audience.
Research studies from first-time Principal Investigators are especially encouraged. The deadline for required preliminary proposals is May 19, 2003. For more information and the TPC program solicitation visit the NSF website at: www.ehr.nsf.gov/ehr/esie.
Other programs in the Division of Elementary, Secondary and Informal Education (ESIE) include the following.
Centers for Learning and Teaching - www.ehr.nsf.gov/esie/programs/clt/clt.asp
Informal Science Education - www.ehr.nsf.gov/esie/programs/ise/ise.asp
Instructional Materials Development - www.ehr.nsf.gov/esie/programs/imd/imd.asp
Presidential Awards - www.ehr.nsf.gov/pres_awards