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Summer Workshop Plans
Summer Workshop Agenda
II. Science Course - NO2TITLE: The Calculator Based Laboratory in Science Classrooms
DATE(S): June 10-12, 1998
TIME(S): 8:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.
AUDIENCE: PRESENTER(S): Marsha Crispin, Casio representative DESCRIPTION: The course will examine the use of transducers to gather and display laboratory data using Casio calculators. For example, motion, light, pH, and other useful analyses may be more revealing and convenient with CBL technology than with other data gathering techniques. COURSE FEE: $30.00 for break, lunch, and materials for MPS staff ADDITIONAL INFO/NOTES: Stipend available for attendance ($60.00 per day) for MPS Teachers.
IV. Science Course - NO5TITLE: Leadership Workshop for Middle Level Science Teachers*** DATE(S): June 15-16, l998 and additional dates negotiated TIME(S): 9 00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. AUDIENCE: Middle Level Science Teachers Max size: 20 PRESENTER(S): Jim Bickel DESCRIPTION: A collaborative group of teachers will examine current models for evaluating science curriculum and student work. Exemplary lessons aligned with state and district standards will be created. Using the internet to communicate ideas and share curriculum will be a goal. ADDITIONAL INFO/NOTES: NSF grant will provide stipends to middle school science teachers ($60.00 per day) for MS Staff. ***Additional NSF Funding is available for teachers who would like to participate in more than 100 hours of staff development. This course has been developed to provide in depth knowledge and skills for teachers who may serve as a resource to their colleagues.
V. Science Course - NO6TITLE: Integrated Elementary School Science, Reading, Writing, and Mathematics DATE(S): June 15-19, 1998 TIME(S): 8:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. PRESENTER(S):
Dr. James Shymansky, University of Iowa DESCRIPTION: Participants will learn how to integrate hands-on science unit. from your Science Center with reading, writing, and mathematics activities to promote conceptual change, problem solving and critical thinking in the elementary school classroom. Strategies for integrating the science units, reading, writing, and mathematics will be examined and sample integrated units will be shared. COURSE FEE: $50.00 for meals and materials Rest of fee subsidized by NSF for MPS Staff. ADDITIONAL INFO/NOTES: Registration preference will be given to NSF Focus School staff. Additional slots may be available to other MPS staff on a first-come, first-served basis. NSF grant will provide stipends to elementary classroom teachers ($60.00 per day) for MPS Staff.
Vl. Science CourseTITLE: Tech Training Camp for Science Teachers (Camp Minneapolis 1998) DATE(S): June l6-l8, 1998 TIME(S): 2:00p - 4:00 p.m. AUDIENCE: K-8 Classroom Teachers from NSF Focus Schools Max size: 10 (for MPS staff only) PRESENTER(S): Minneapolis Staff DESCRIPTION: Teachers may choose one application program for an immersion experience to learn the basics of technologies which have applications to current hands on science curriculum. Teachers will learn technology skills and develop applications which allow students to organize and display data, research information, and communicate results of science investigations using science curriculum from the Minneapolis Science Centers. COURSE FEE: $50.00 Rest of fee subsidized by NSF for MPS Staff ADDITIONAL INFO/NOTES: Registration preference will be given to NSF Focus School staff. Additional slots may be available to other MPS staff on a first-come, first-served basis. NSF grant will provide stipends to elementary classroom teachers and middle school science teachers. ($15.00 per hour) for MPS Staff.
VIII. Science Course - NO8TITLE: Language of Poverty Foundation Course DATE(S): June 23-24, 1998 AUDIENCE: K-12 Teachers and Administrators Max Size: 150 TIME(S): 8:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. PRESENTER(S): Dr. Ruby Payne DESCRIPTION: Day 1: A Framework: Understanding and Working With Students and Adults from Poverty includes topics of: Role of language and story; Hidden rules among classes; Characteristics of generational poverty; RoIe models and emotional resources; Support systems. Day 2: includes Instructional implications with a focus on improving achievement; Creating relationships; and Discipline. ADDITIONAL INFO/NOTES: Registration preference will be given to NSF Focus School staff. Additional slots may be available to other MPS staff on a first-come, first-served basis. NSF grant will provide stipends to elementary classroom teachers ($60.00 per day) for MPS Staff. Day 2 participants must have completed Day 1 as a pre-requisite.
IX. Science Course - N10TITLE: Language of Poverty Leadership*** DATE(S): June 25, 1998 TIME: 8:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. AUDIENCE: Teams of Teachers and Administrators who have completed Days 1 & 2 Max Size: 60 DESCRIPTION: Participants will be able to explain the cognitive needs of students from poverty, identify the five systems a building needs to raise achievement, and identify ways in which educators can build relationships with students. The first half day will be spent in formal presentation and the second half day will focus on team planning for direct application at your site. COURSE FEE: $75.00 for elementary classroom teachers and middle school science teachers. Rest of fee subsidized by NSF for MPS Staff. Other participants: $95.00 per participant per day. ADDITIONAL INFO/NOTES: Registration preference will be given to NSF Focus School staff. Additional slots may be available to other MPS staff on a first-come, first-served basis. NSF grant will provide stipends to elementary classroom teachers ($60.00 per day) for MPS Staff. ***Additional NSF Funding is available for teachers who would like to participate in more than 100 hours of staff development. This course has been developed to provide in depth knowledge and skills for teachers who may serve as a resource to their colleagues.
X. Science Course - N12TITLE: Twin City Geology: Fossils, Rocks, and City Walls DATE(S): July 13-17,1998 AUDIENCE: K-8 Classroom Teachers Max size: 40 TIME(S): 8.00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. PRESENTER(S): Don Fondrick, University of Minnesota DESCRIPTION: This field geology course deals with models materials and methods in outdoor settings. Classroom and field activities will focus on basic Minnesota geology, with field experiments on fossils and fossil hunting, rock identification and uses in buildings and cemeteries, time as measured by erosion at Minnehaha Falls, and other key concepts and sites. Broad topics such as ecological relationships, cyclic processes, and change, and more specific topics, such as rocks and minerals, plants and animals also will be addressed. COURSE FEE: $50.00 for meals and materials Rest of fee subsidized by NSF for MPS Staff. ADDITIONAL INFO/NOTES: Registration preference will be given to NSF Focus School staff. Additional slots may be available to other MPS staff on a first-come, first-served basis. NSF grant will provide stipends to elementary classroom teachers ($60.00 per day) for MPS Staff.
XV. Science Course - N17TITLE: Plant Biology Workshop Designed for Elementary Teachers DATE(S): July 27-August 7, 1998 plus 3-4 additional follow-up meetings TiIME(S): 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. AUDIENCE: K-6 Classroom Teachers Max Size: 20 PRESENTER(S): Tom Soulen, Jane Phillips, Kathy Ball, Sandra Mackey, U of MN; Sandy Tanck, MN Landscape Arboretum; MPS Staff DESCRIPTION: A two-week workshop to help teachers learn how plants can be used in their classroom. Participants learn how to easily obtain and grow plants and integrate them into a variety of classroom activities. Introduction to Bottle Biology and GrowLab. Background information in plant biology and a chance to learn about current research in plant biology from University faculty who have a strong interest in setting up a network between the University and K-l 2 educators. Teachers will have time to select, adapt, and create curricular material for their own classrooms COURSE FEE: Covered by funding from the MN Higher Ed Services Office Eisenhower Development Program ADDITIONAL INFO/NOTES: Registration preference will be given to NSF Focus School staff. Eisenhower grant will provide stipends to elementary classroom teachers and middle school science teachers. ($20.00 per day)
XVI. Science Course - N18TITLE: ENVoY - Your Personal Guide to Classroom Management Using Nonverbal Techniques*** DATE(S): August 3-6, 1998 TIME(S): 8:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. AUDIENCE: Administrators and K-12 Staff Max size: 100 PRESENTER(S): Michael Grinder, MA Battle Ground, Washington DESCRIPTION: Win the attention of your class, gain appropriate student behavior as you teach, make effective transitions, increase productivity during work periods. Topics include: Why non-verbal messages are more effective; Increasing our expectations and presenting relationships; Developing rapport with "hard to reach" students; Recognizing which styles of learners we manage; Disciplining for student needs, rather than our own. COURSE FEE: $175.00 for elementary classroom teachers and middle school science teachers for meals and materials. Rest of fee subsidized by NSF for MPS Staff. Other participants: $375.00. ADDITIONAL INFO/NOTES: Registration preference will be given to NSF Focus School staff. Additional slots may be available to other MPS staff on a first-come, first-served basis. NSF grant will provide stipends to elementary classroom teachers and middle school science teachers. ($60.00 per day) for MPS Staff. ***Twenty teachers who had this course as a pre-requisite may enroll for training as a workshop facilitator. Additional NSF funding is available for teachers who would like to participate in more than 100 hours of staff development. This course has been developed to provide in-depth knowledge and skills for teachers who may serve as a resource to their colleagues.
XVII. Science Course - N19TITLE: Language of Poverty Facilitators Institute*** DATE(S): August 11-14, 1998 TIME(S): 8:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. AUDIENCE: Administrators and K-12 Staff Max size: 50 PRESENTER(S): Dr. Ruby Payne DESCRIPTION: Learn how to help educators examine and understand the basic framework and tenets of Language of Poverty staff development Facilitators will gain further in-depth knowledge of the theories of poverty and its implications for teaching and learning. Participants will have opportunities to develop and practice presentation skills, storytelling, skills, and adult group process skills. COURSE FEE: $300.00 for elementary and middle school administrators, elementary classroom teachers, and middle school science teachers for Facilitator Manuals, overheads and meals. Rest of fee subsidized by NSF for MPS Staff. Other participants $450.00 ADDITIONAL INFO/NOTES: Registration preference will be given to NSF Focus School staff. Additional slots may be available to other MPS staff on a first-come, first-served basis. NSF grant will provide stipends to elementary classroom teachers and middle school science teachers. ($60.00 per day) for MPS Staff. ***Additional NSF funding is available for teachers who would like to participate in more than 100 hours of staff development. This course has been developed to provide in-depth knowledge and skills for teachers who may serve as a resource to their colleagues.
IIXXX. Science Course - N20TITLE: Middle Level Science Institute for New Teachers New Teacher Institute for Middle Level Science DATE(S): August 11-14, 1998 TIME(S): 8:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. AUDIENCE: Middle Grade Science Teachers Max size: 20 (for MPS staff only) PRESENTER(S): Jim Bickel Middle Grade Science Liaison Teacher DESCRIPTION: New and other probationary middle level science teachers are invited to participate in an institute examining best practice techniques, content curriculum, and lesson planning tailored for our Minneapolis students. COURSE FEE: $40.00 for meals and materials. Rest of fee subsidized by NSF for MPS staff. ADDITIONAL INFO/NOTES: NSF grant will provide stipends to middle school science teachers. ($60.00 per day) for MPS Staff.
XX. Science Course - N21TITLE: Inquiry, Brain Research, Cooperation, and Controversy for Science Teachers DATE(S): August 24-28, 1998 TIME(S): 8:0O a.m. - 3 30 p.m. AUDIENCE: K-8 Classroom Teachers Max Size: 100 PRESENTER(S): Dr. Larry Lowery and Dr. Roger Johnson, Lawrence Hall of Science in Berkeley and U of MN DESCRIPTION: Stimulating and challenging topics will include: Messages from the Brain to the Bright Science Teacher; The What-How-Why of Inquiry; Introducing Intellectual Argument into K-8 Science Classes, Matching Science Outcomes to Student Developmental Levels; Nuts and Bolts of Structuring Cooperative Groups for Science; Taking Science Outdoors COURSE FEE: $50.00 for meals and materials. Rest of fee subsidized by NSF for MPS Staff, ADDITIONAL INFO/NOTES: Registration preference will be given to NSF Focus School staff. Additional slots may be available to other MPS staff on a first-come, first-served basis. NSF grant will provide stipends to elementary classroom teachers and middle school science teachers. ($60.00 per day) for MPS Staff.
XXI. Science Course - N09TITLE: Language of Poverty Foundation Course DATE(S): August 25-26, 1998 TIME(S): 8:00 a.m. - 3 30 p.m. AUDIENCE: K-12 Teachers and Administrators Max Size: 100 PRESENTER(S): Dr. Ruby Payne DESCRIPTION:; Day 1: A Framework: Understanding and Working With Students and Adults from Poverty includes topics of: Role of language and story; Hidden rules among classes; Characteristics of generational poverty; Role models and emotional resources; Support systems. Day 2: Includes instructional implications with a focus on Improving achievement; Creating relationships; and Discipline. COURSE FEE: $75.00 per day for elementary classroom teachers and middle school science teachers. Rest of fee subsidized by NSF for MPS Staff. Other participants: $95.00 per participant per day. ADDITIONAL INFO/NOTES: Registration preference will be given to NSF Focus School staff. Additional slots may be available to other MPS staff on a first-come, first-served basis. NSF grant will provide stipends to elementary classroom teachers and middle school science teachers. ($60.00 per day) for MPS Staff.
XXII. Science Course - N11TITLE: Language of Poverty Leadership*** DATE(S): August 27, 1998 TIME(S): 8:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. AUDIENCE: Teams of Teachers and Administrators who have completed Days 1 & 2 Max Size: 80 DESCRIPTION: Participants will be able to: explain the cognitive needs of students from poverty, identify the five systems a building needs to raise achievement, and identify ways in which educators can build relationships with students. The first half day will be spent in formal presentation and the second half day will focus on team planning for direct application at your site. COURSE FEE: $75.00 for elementary classroom teachers and middle school science teachers. Rest of fee subsidized by NSF for MPS Staff. Other participants: $95.00 per participant per day. ADDITIONAL INFO/NOTES: Registration preference will be given to NSF Focus School staff. Additional slots may be available to other MPS staff on a first-come, first-served basis. NSF grant will provide stipends to elementary classroom teachers ($60.00 per day) for MPS Staff. ***Additional NSF Funding is available for teachers who would like to participate in more than 100 hours of staff development. This course has been developed to provide in depth knowledge and skills for teachers who may serve as a resource to their colleagues.
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