8:30-11:30 |
Machines and Electricity groups: Overview of physical science learning.Snippet #1 - Your Brain and Memory Introduction to structure of summer workshops. BREAK "Being a professional in a changing system" Machines-small groups: Spring scale investigations. Balance/lever investigations. Design or prediction problems using levers. |
Machines and Electricity groups: Overview of Pedagogy - Why study content to get better at teaching simple units.Pedagogical frameworks and expectations (notebooks with units, etc.) Machines small groups: Finish lever investigations Sharing levers from home and telling lever stories about them. |
Machines-whole group: Introduction to inclined planes, including vector addition of forces.Demo: Moving someone up a ramp vs. lifting. Machines-small groups: Investigations of inclined planes. |
Sharing Time: Electricity visits simple machines (1 hour) Machines visit electricity (1 hour)Machines-small groups: Introduce bicycle |
12:15-3:30 |
Machines-whole group: Physical science and physical stories.Demo: Lifting a person with first and second class levers. Machines small groups:Lever stories and Newton's law stories. Homework for T3's: Bring an example of a tool that includes a lever. |
Machines-whole group: Introduction to pulleys.Demo: Tug of war or lifting a person with pulleys. Machines small groups:
Pulley investigations Homework for T3's: Bring machine that includes inclined plane, wedge, or screw. |
Machines-whole group: Wedges and screws as inclined planes.Machine-small groups: Investigations of inclined planes (con't). Sharing explanations of inclined planes, wedges, or screws from home. Planning for sharing. |
Machine-small groups: Bicycle crank and rear wheel investigations. |