
Kindergarten Science Explorations Institute
July 13th-16th, 1998
8:30 am -12:00 pm
URI Bay Campus
EDC 921C Kindergarten Science Explorations Institute (1 credit)
This session is open to kindergarten teachers who would like to design science exploration kits and plan professional development sessions for kindergarten colleagues. Participants will work with facilitators in identifying kit contents and support materials which will be used by kindergarten teachers to explore children's science questions related to Seasons & Weather (Physical Science). Participants must be willing to conduct workshops during release days over the next 5 years.
Facilitator: Reva Sullivan Murphy, K teacher, Henry Barnard School, RIC
Web of Intrigue: Developing an Interactive WebSite for GEMS-NET
July 13th-16th, l998
(Monday through Thursday)
8:30 am - 12:00 pm
URI Bay Campus, Narragansett
EDC 921D Web of Intrigue: Developing an Interactive WebSite for GEMS-NET (1 credit)
Apply your homepage skills and learn some new tricks by developing the GEMS-NET website. Learn how to connect databases, add photos and graphics, and create interactive work spaces/hot links for teachers and children related to the GEMS-NET project. Help us design a website that truly helps GEMS-NET teachers and children connect to each other and to important information related to the project, kits and relevant science content. You, too, can become a highly skilled WEB WONK!!!!!
Facilitator: Dr. Rob Pockalny, Geological Oceanographer, GEMS-NET Co-Director, and WebWonk Extraordinaire, URI.
Making Connections in Physics Institute
July 13th-16th, 1998
(Monday through Thursday)
1:00 pm - 4:30 pm
Rhode Island Natural History Museum
EDC 921E Making Connections in Physics Institute (1 credit)
This session is open to all GEMS-NET teachers who would like to develop a deeper understanding of elementary physics related to balance, motion, simple machines, sound, electricity, magnetism, levers, and pulleys. This is a great way to find connections among the South County science kits and to build science content knowledge in an action-filled workshop.
Facilitator: Judy Sweeney, Education Curator, RI Natural History Museum
Mudpie Science: Explorations of Soil and Water
July 20th-23rd, 1998
(Monday through Thursday)
8:30 am-12 noon
URI Bay Campus, Narragansett
EDC 921F Mudpie Science: Explorations of Soil & Water (1 credit)
This session is open all GEMS-NET teachers who would like to learn more about the recurring themes of soil and water in the GEMS-NET curriculum. Pebbles, Sand & Silt/New Plants (Grade 1), Solids & Liquids (Grade 2), Water/Plant Growth & Development (Grade 3), Land & Water (Grade 4), Microworlds (Grade 5), and Ecosystems (Grade 6) explore aspects of these two substances. Teachers will explore and experience soils and waters and learn how they interact in the environment to our benefit and detriment.
Facilitator: Dr. Josef Gorres, Soil Scientist & GEMS-NET Co-Director, URI
Science Performance Assessment--Part I
July 20th-23rd, 1998
(Monday through Thursday)
8:30 am-12 noon
URI Bay Campus, Narragansett
EDC 921G Science Performance Assessment (1 credit)
Grade 1 (New Plants)
Grade 3 (Water)
Grade 5 (Floating & Sinking)
This session is open all GEMS-NET teachers who have used at least one of these kits and who would like to help develop assessment tasks and rubrics to determine student growth in science content and processes as a result of working with these exciting kits. Teachers will be joined by science mentors in examining the science in each kit. We will identify the important underlying science concepts and inquiry processes for each kit and then design the assessments and scoring rubrics.
Facilitators: Dr. Betty Young (Education) GEMS-NET Director and Dr. Barbara Sullivan-Watts (Oceanography), GEMS-NET Co-Director.
Science Performance Assessment-Part II
July 27th-30th, 1998
(Monday through Thursday)
8:30 am-12 noon
URI Bay Campus, Narragansett
EDC 92lH Science Performance Assessment (1 credit)
Grade 2 (Solids & Liquids)
Grade 4 (Electric Circuits)
Grade 6 (Magnets & Motors)
This session is open all GEMS-NET teachers who have used at least one of these kits and who would like to help develop assessment tasks and rubrics to determine student growth in science content and processes as a result of working with these exciting kits. Teachers will be joined by science mentors in examining the science in each kit. We will identify the important underlying science concepts and inquiry processes for each kit and then design the assessments and scoring rubrics.
Facilitators: Dr. Betty Young (Education) GEMS-NET Director and Dr. Barbara Sullivan-Watts (Oceanography), GEMS-NET Co-Director.
Science Is Everywhere Institute
July 27th-30th, 1998
(Monday through Thursday)
8:30 am-12 noon
Rhode Island Natural History Museum
EDC921-I Science Is Everywhere Institute (1 credit)
This session is open all GEMS-NET teachers who would like to look at connections among the South County science curriculum kits and several great Rhode Island resources including: Rhode Island Natural History Museum and Planetarium, Roger Williams Zoo, and the Greenhouse. Teachers will examine and use materials developed by NSF for use during National Science and Technology Week (April, 1999). This is a great way to build science content knowledge in an action-filled workshop.
Facilitator: Judy Sweeney, Education Curator, RI Natural History Museum
GEMS-NET Elementary Science Trainers' Institutes
July 7th-l0th, 1998
(Tuesday through Friday)
8:30 am-12:00 noon
URI Bay Campus
EDC 92lA GEMS-NET TRAINERS' "Greatest Hits" (1 credit)
This session is open to the 24 South County teachers who served as kit trainers during the 1997-98 school year. GEMS-NET lead trainers will share segments of their presentations and plan for ways to improve kit presentations and lead into science content sessions related to the kits.
Facilitators: Betty Young, Josef Gorres, Rob Pockalny, and Barbara Sullivan-Watts.
For all classes:
Teachers receive one graduate credit for each weekly institute with a fee of $75. You may participate in up to three different institutes and receive 3 graduate credits for the same $75 fee. Special arrangements for added assignments can be made with Betty Young for those desiring credits for use in a Masters program.
- Modest NSF attendance stipends are available for GEMS-NET teachers who do not wish to receive credits.
- Registration will take place and the $75 fee will be paid at the first session of each institute. Teachers must attend entire institute to receive credit or stipends.
These courses are supported by the GEMS-NET (Guiding Education in Math, and Science--Network) Project, an Eisenhower Higher Education grant and the GEMS-NET NSF grant.
Special Permission is required to register for these institutes. Some sessions are targeted for special groups such as GEMS-NET trainers or GEMS-NET teachers from particular grade levels. Others are open to all GEMS-NET teachers.
June 18, l998 |
RE: |
Middle School Science Curricular Presentations |
Tuesday, July 21, 1998 and Wednesday, July 22, 1998
12:30 pm to 4:00 pm |
WHY: |
- Examine of two middle school science modules we have identified as possible common curriculum pieces, TOXIC WASTE (SEPUPS) and EARTHQUAKE (Event-Based Science)
- Explore the connection with RI State Science Framework & National Science Standards
- Meet interested URI scientists who do work related to these modules
- Look ahead to next year's GEMS-NET activities for middle school science teachers
WHO: |
Presenters: Peter McLaren, East Greenwich, will present "Toxic Waste" and Jim Sammons, Jamestown, will present "Earthquake" along with interested scientists from those areas.
Participants: 7th and 8th grade science teachers from 6 GEMS-NET districts, Superintendents and/or Curriculum Directors of the 6 South County districts, URI scientists interested in working with middle school science. |
GOOD NEWS!!! Teacher participants will receive attendance stipends from the NSF grant. Teachers must attend both days to receive stipend.