Newsclippings and Press ReleasesNews Clippings
The following is a summary of these articles. We were unable to gain copyright permission to post them in their entirety. These articles describe the goals of the Handle On Science project--to unite local business, colleges, informal science centers, and local school systems in moving from "a teacher-centered, lecture based curriculum to a student-centered, inquiry-based curriculum." They began by discussing Handle On Science's beginnings as a pilot program, and continue with its award of the NSF LSC grant. While the NSF grant pays for teacher training, one article notes, Handle On Science continues to seek and receive funding and materials from local businesses and industries which help defray the cost of the science kits and the kit refurbishment center. Many of the articles discuss teacher's reactions to using the kits--"Thank you for making science fun again," said one teacher, while another said it was the best teaching experience she had ever had.