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Annual Report Overviews
Annual Overview
Classroom Instruction in the Baseline Year To assess the characteristics of classroom instruction in the district, the evaluation included teachers reports on their practice taken from the questionnaires as well as the evaluators ratings of classroom observations. In general, most teachers report that their teaching practices include a combination of investigative and traditional instructional strategies. However, classroom observations reveal that mathematics instruction in the baseline year of the project is generally characterized by instruction that contains elements of standards-based practice but these are primarily ineffective. Many teachers do not yet have the skills necessary to implement the standards. Moreover, a number of teachers emphasize practicing computation for mastery and rote memorization. Despite these general trends, there is evidence that the teaching practices of some teachers include effective standards-based instruction. Teachers Reports on Mathematics Instruction Overall, teachers who responded to the questionnaires emphasized teaching of mathematics in their classrooms. Over 75% of the teachers who taught in self-contained classrooms reported that they teach five mathematics lessons per week. They also reported that the mathematics lessons typically lasted between 41 and 60 minutes for approximately half of the classrooms, 61 minutes or more for about one-third of the classrooms, but 40 minutes or less for about one-sixth of the classrooms. Compared with other subjects, teachers reported that they covered mathematics nearly as often as reading/language arts. When reporting what happened in the last five school days in their classrooms, over 80% of the teachers taught mathematics, and over 90% taught reading/language arts. In contrast, science was taught in the last five schools days by 39% of the mathematics teachers who responded, and social studies was taught in the last five school days by only 28% of these teachers. No special education teacher with a self-contained classroom taught science or social studies in the last five school days. This evidence suggests that in the baseline year of the project most students in the district are receiving mathematics and language arts instruction almost daily and mathematics lasts a considerable amount of time. Science and social studies are covered much less and not at all for students with disabilities. This emphasis on mathematics as well as on reading/language arts reflects district policy to improve childrens performance in mathematics, reading, and writing, the three subject areas tested by the states accountability measure, the TAAS. Teachers reports of the characteristics of their instructional strategies echo their endorsement of standards-based practices (see Table 2), although special education teachers reported slightly less investigative practice than general education teachers. However, all teachers reports of childrens classroom activities suggest that the mathematics lessons include traditional practices as well. Most teachers surveyed reported that an investigative culture characterizes their mathematics instruction. For 80% or more of the teachers, their mathematics instruction often or always encouraged children to communicate mathematically, explain their reasoning, explore alternative solutions, and discuss their work. (The responses of special education teachers differed slightly in that a small majority, 74%, of these teachers reported encouraging students to communicate mathematically.) On the other hand, many teachers also reported practices that characterize traditional teaching practices. For example, more than 70% of these teachers indicated that their mathematics instruction often or always included childrens practicing algorithms and routine computation as well as reviewing homework and worksheets in class. One traditional strategy that these teachers used infrequently was short answer tests; only 19% of the mathematics teachers but 31% of the special education teachers reported assessing childrens competence with these tests often or always. Thus, before participating in ACME professional development, many of these teachers reportedly were implementing a combination of traditional and standards-based instructional strategies in their mathematics lessons. Table 2. Comparison of Teacher-Reported Teacher and Child Behavior in Investigative and Traditional Practice: Percentage Reporting in Each Category
Source: Teacher questionnaires The finding that many teachers reported implementing traditional as well as standards-based strategies could be interpreted in at least two ways. On the one hand, perhaps many teachers divide their mathematics lessons into segments such that one part involves investigative practice and another part involves traditional practice. In the classroom observations, a few teachers indeed divided their mathematics lessons into segments with both investigative and traditional instructional strategies. For example, one teacher demonstrated how to represent double-digit addition with ones and tens blocks, had her students play an addition game with those materials in small groups, and then passed out worksheets for them to practice computation. On the other hand, it is possible that teachers describe their instructional strategies in the terms of standards-based practice (e.g., encouraging children to communicate mathematically or to explain their reasoning) without understanding how those strategies can be carried out effectively to influence childrens mathematics competence. Further examination of teachers reports of the activities that children do in their mathematics classes revealed a mixture of strategies (see Table 2). Most of the teachers indicated that children engage in hands-on mathematics activities often or always, and many teachers reported that children solve real-world problems with mathematics often or always in their classrooms. However, some specific classroom activities that distinguish standards-based mathematics from traditional strategies occur less frequently. For example, in less than one-fifth of the classrooms, students often or always worked on an investigation or project that lasted a week or more. In approximately one-fourth or less of the classrooms, students often or always worked on portfolios, models or simulations, or designed or implemented their own investigations. Similarly, in approximately one-fourth of the mathematics classrooms and in one-seventh of the special education classrooms did standards-based assessments in which students provide descriptions or justifications of solutions occur often or always. In contrast, the frequency of childrens work with computers and calculators that teachers reported varied. Thus, teachers described their own teaching as a combination of standards-based mathematics instruction and traditional practice. However, the findings are inconsistent and probably do not reflect true standards-based instruction. Teachers reported that children were infrequently engaged in activities that characterize investigative mathematics in their classrooms and that children often practice computation and review worksheet assignments. It is possible that teachers employ strategies associated with investigative practice while children engage in traditional activities. For example, a child could be completing addition problems and get help from the teacher. During the interaction, the teacher may encourage the child to explain her reasoning and to communicate mathematically. In this way, teachers could report their own behavior and childrens activities in terms of both standards-based and traditional practice. In light of these inconsistencies, it is unclear from teachers self-reports the degree to which standards-based instruction occurs in the district. The following discussion of direct observations from a small random sample of mathematics classrooms in the district illustrates a discrepancy in teachers self-reports of their teaching practices and what actually takes place in the districts mathematics classes. Classroom Observations Ten observations of mathematics classrooms and three observations of special education classrooms provide a snapshot of what teaching practices look like in the ACME projects baseline year. Most of the lessons observed in general education classrooms (7 out of 10) covered the basic mathematics content of computation and numeration and number theory. However, some of the lessons (4 out of 10) covered topics that traditionally receive little attention, such as probability and data collection and analysis. The intended purpose of many of the lessons (7 out of 10) was to involve children in higher level thinking through developing and reviewing mathematical concepts. However, some of the observations (4 out of 10) involved traditional lesson designs that focused on childrens memorizing facts, practicing computational algorithms, and drilling addition and subtraction for mastery. Therefore, the mathematics content of the observed lessons were more often traditional than standards-based, but the intended purpose of the lessons was more often standards-based than traditional. Teachers groupings of the children for most of the class activities varied. In the observed lessons of mathematics classrooms, teachers usually organized the children as whole groups (8 out of 10) or as individuals (4 out of 10). Several teachers also had children work together in small groups or pairs (4 out of 10). The instructional activities that teachers chose for the observed lessons suggest that before implementation of the project teachers used a combination of standards-based and traditional approaches. Table 3 presents frequencies of instructional activities that were observed in each classroom for a large portion of the lesson. In most of the observed lessons (8 out of 10), teachers led class discussions and involved children in exploration of mathematical topics. In about one-third of the observations, children were passive participants while teachers presented information. For more than half of the observations, children were involved in activities that had investigative qualities. For example, they worked with manipulatives, recorded and analyzed data, or played games to develop knowledge or skills. Traditional practices, such as childrens answering textbook or workbook problems, occurred in fewer of the classroom observations. Table 3. Frequencies of Instructional Activities in Observed Classrooms
Source: Classroom observation protocols Despite the finding that many of these teachers organized their mathematics lessons around hands-on activities, the results of the classroom observations indicate that a majority of teachers were not implementing effective, standards-based mathematics. Although teachers may include manipulatives, the quality of the instruction determines whether the lesson effectively helps children develop mathematical competence. Classroom observations were rated on HRIs (1998) 5-point scale ranging from effective to ineffective instruction. Level 1 refers to ineffective instruction in which there is little evidence of student engagement with mathematical ideas. Level 2 describes instruction with elements of effectiveness that has substantial problems in the design, implementation or content of the lesson, and is limited in the likelihood to enhance childrens mathematical knowledge. Level 3 refers to beginning stages of effective instruction characterized by a few elements of effectiveness that frequently engage children in mathematical concepts, but has some weaknesses. Level 4 reflects effective instruction that is engaging for most students, whereas level 5 describes exemplary instruction that engages all of the students most of the time and represents the art more than the craft of teaching. In general, classroom observations in the baseline year revealed variability in the quality of mathematics instruction. Although a few of the observed teachers were already somewhat skilled at standards-based teaching practices, most teachers were not (see Table 4). A couple of the observed lessons were ineffective, and several had only elements of effective instruction. For example, some lessons included children working with manipulatives, but the mathematical concepts central to the activity were hardly addressed and higher order thinking was minimal. The next section will describe several observations that reveal the quality of the instruction found during the observations. The two levels most frequently represented were beginning stages of effective instruction and elements of effective instruction.
Source: Classroom observation protocols Beginning Stages of Effective Instruction In several observations, teachers presented beginning stages of effective instruction, but the lesson was limited somewhat in its capacity to enhance the mathematical understanding of most children in the classroom. The following case characterizes the observed lessons that manifest this quality of instruction:
Source: Classroom observation field notes This observation illustrates that some teachers are practicing standards-based mathematics instruction effectively even before they participate in ACME professional development. In this observed lesson, the teacher engaged kindergarteners in an investigative activity that involved exploring developmentally appropriate concepts in mathematics (e.g., one-to-one correspondence, counting to 10). Yet, this observation presented areas that need improvement, specifically the teachers classroom management skills. Finding strategies to ensure that most of the children in the classroom are equally and simultaneously engaged, this teacher could become more effective at teaching standards-based mathematics. Other teachers whose lessons were rated in this category also could improve their effectiveness through the professional development provided by ACME. Elements of Effective Instruction The quality of the instruction in several of the observed classrooms was primarily ineffective, but included some elements of effective instruction. The following observation demonstrates the characteristics of this category of instruction.
Source: Classroom observation field notes This case exemplifies instruction that has a few elements of effectiveness but does not appear to improve the mathematical competence of many children in the classroom. Some children appeared to benefit from representing multiplication and division with manipulatives and were able to link their concrete experiences to the symbolic abstraction at the end of the lesson. However, many of the children in the class did not. Their work reflected a lack of understanding, but the teacher did not successfully address their misunderstandings. Moreover, childrens own efforts to help one another were ineffectual, given their apparent inexperience with cooperative learning and the limited materials available for the lesson. This teachers instructional practices could be improved by acquiring standards-based strategies for classroom management and perhaps more content knowledge of mathematics. These teaching practices also would be more effective if all of the children in her classroom had equal access to instruction and resources. On the basis of classroom observations, a number of teachers observed lack the instructional strategies necessary for implementing effective, standards-based mathematics. In addition to improving mathematics teaching and learning in general, district staff would like to explore how standards-based mathematics could improve the performance of students in special education. For the three special education lessons observed, the quality of the instruction contained elements of effective instruction. The following case illustrates characteristics of these lessons.
Source: Classroom observation field notes In this observation, the teacher presented some elements of standards-based instruction such as work with manipulatives. However, the interaction was highly structured, and primarily the teacher, not the child, made the connection to multiplication from the groups of snap cubes. Although the teacher designed a lesson with concrete representations of mathematical concepts, other activities might have provided a richer, more interesting learning experience. Relinquishing some of the structure and adapting some of the activities from the curriculum resources may go further in enhancing the learning experiences and understanding of children in special education classes. In the baseline year, the ACME project staff have begun to help special education teachers plan ways to adapt the new curriculum and instructional strategies in their classrooms. In conclusion, although many of the untrained teachers report that their mathematics instruction includes investigative practice, direct classroom observations contradict their reports. Only a small number of teachers in the observed sample were familiar with standards-based practice and effectively engagd children in investigative activities. According to these ratings, some teachers who have not yet participated in professional development are not effectively teaching mathematics with the strategies outlined in NCTM standards. For the most part, the mathematics instruction in the baseline year of the project was ineffective or contained only elements of effective practice. |
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