
GEMS-NET Summer Science Institutes 1999
How long do your workshops last?
The GEMS-NET Summer Science Institutes are mostly 1 week, 15-hour
mini-courses each equal to 1 graduate workshop credit (or teachers can
receive a modest stipend if they do not want the credits). Teachers can
choose from the menu of offerings and take as many as three or, if space is
available, four different mini-courses. Two of the offerings (a middle
level graduate science course on watershed science and the middle school
curriculum development workshop) will go for a 2-week period to allow for
greater depth.
How many teachers do you involve in your workshops?
If fully enrolled based on a maximum of 25 teachers per session, there are
375 teacher slots available this summer. As some teachers will take more
than one session, fewer than 375 teachers will be served.
What are your major goals for your workshops in terms of content and pedagogy? (Just one or two paragraphs)
Our summer science institutes focus on:
- building science content in relation to one or more kits,
- looking at connections among the kits in our curriculum,
- connecting science content from kits to Rhode Island examples (e.g., the
workshop for the Microworlds and Ecosystems kits that will based on the
on-going research at the Marine Ecosystems Research Lab (MERL) at URI's
Graduate School of Oceanography's Bay Campus), and
- exploring connections
between kits and other elementary subjects (this year's focus in on
Are you offering professional development on specific curricula that you are hoping will be used in the classroom? If so, which curricula are you using?
We are focusing on or connecting topics to our main common science
curriculum which is kit-based (FOSS & STC). These summer science
institutes augment the professional development we do in required release
days that all teachers participate in. Thus, we have a core content for
all teachers and then we entice teachers to pursue other science interests
more in line with their individual notions of what kinds of science
professional development they need and want. Hopefully, we have a balance
between what we believe teachers need and what the teachers themselves
perceive as useful stuff. The teacher steering committee, trainers, and PIs
all suggest the summer institute topics. We then search for presenters and
put together sessions to meet the identified needs.
Week 1 July 6, 7, 8 and 9, 1999 (Tuesday-Friday)
8:30 am-12:00 Noon
- EDC 921P: Science & Literacy--Grades 3 & 4 (1 credit) Would you like to explore some great books to go along with the science kits of the 3rd and 4th grades? Would you like to see some ways to build literacy skills while you teach science? Join this course with an award-winning literacy instructor. You will have a lively time reading, writing and doing science dramatics related to the following kits (Water, Plant Growth, Sound, Electric Circuits, Land & Water, and Motion & Design). Facilitator: Sandra Lamb, URI Literacy Instructor & award-winning former Westerly teacher!
- NRS591L/EDC 920A: Recent Advances in NRS-Topics in Applied Watershed Science for Middle School Teachers--Grades 5-8 (2 credits--2 week workshop! or 3 science credits--workshop plus independent study paper). Experience the Awesome! Curriculum, an award-winning, nationally recognized curriculum, that teaches students about the watersheds in which they live. It uses an interdisciplinary approach with activities designed to help students understand different components of the environment. Topics include uses of watersheds for people and industry, natural history of land formations and habitats, and social issues surrounding the natural resources of local watersheds. The goal of this course if to provide teachers with basic scientific information and interactive lessons that teachers need to set the stage for further investigation with their students. Teachers using the Land & Water Kit in fourth grade and the Ecosystem Kit in sixth grade would find this course especially helpful for the science content. Each participant will receive a watershed curriculum guide specific to the watershed (s) in which their students live , groundwater and wetland activity books, Geographic Information System watershed maps, posters and other resources. Materials have been designed for use by middle school teachers. However, educators at all levels are invited to participate and adapt materials to suit their needs. Elementary teachers are provided with an additional primary unit on watersheds. For 3 credits participants would have to implement the watershed curriculum in their classroom (negotiable with prior permission of Denise Burgess), conduct pre and post tests with their students, and write a final report, due December 1999. Instructors: Thomas Husband, Professor Natural Resource Science & Denise Burgess, Wood-Pawcatuck Watershed Association
- EDC 921J: Science Is Everywhere Institute--Grades K-3 (1 credit) This session is open all GEMS-NET teachers who would like to look at connections among the South County science curriculum kits and several great Rhode Island resources including: Rhode Island Natural History Museum and Planetarium, Roger Williams Zoo, and the Greenhouse. Teachers will examine and use materials developed by NSF for use during National Science and Technology Week (April, 1999). This is a great way to build science content knowledge in an action-filled workshop. Classes held at the RI Natural History Museum. Facilitator: Judy Sweeney, Education Curator, RI Natural History Museum
12:30-4:00 pm
- EDC 921Q: Newton's Gig--ALL GRADES (1 credit) Learn Newton's laws of motion with the Society of Women Engineers (SWE) by doing hands-on experiments. These experiments will help you work with students in understanding the basic laws as well as preparing to enter the SWE can crusher competition in February 2000. Great connections with Simple Machines (Gr. 2) and Motion & Design (Gr. 4). All grades are welcome! Facilitators: Susan Anderson, Society of Women Engineer (Days 2 & 3) & Betty Young, URI School of Education, (Days 1 & 4)
1:00-4:30 pm
- EDC 921Y: Science Is Everywhere Institute--Grades 4-8 (1 credit) This session is open all GEMS-NET teachers who would like to look at connections among the South County science curriculum kits and several great Rhode Island resources including: Rhode Island Natural History Museum and Planetarium, Roger Williams Zoo, and the Greenhouse. Teachers will examine and use materials developed by NSF for use during National Science and Technology Week (April, 1999). This is a great way to build science content knowledge in an action-filled workshop. Classes held at the RI Natural History Museum. Facilitator: Judy Sweeney, Education Curator, RI Natural History Museum
Week 2 July 12, 13, 14 15, 1999 (Monday-Thursday)
8:30 am-12:00 Noon
- NRS 591L/EDC 920A: Recent Advances in NRS-Topics in Applied Watershed Science for Middle School Teachers--Grades 5-8 continued from Week 1. See description above.
- EDC 921 Z: Web of Intrigue: Finding Great Science Stuff on the Web--ALL GRADES (1 credit) Learn how to use an internet browser effectively and efficiently. Begin to learn the basics of creating and designing web pages. Learn how to create interactive work spaces and hot links related to the GEMS-NET Project . Help us design a web-site that truly helps GEMS-NET teachers & children connect to each other and to important the important information regarding the project.. You too can be a skilled WEB WONK!! Facilitator: Robert Pockalny, Geological Oceanographer, Web Wonk Extraordinaire, GEMS-NET Co-director.
- EDC 921R Science & Literacy--Grades 5 & 6 (1 credit) Would you like to explore some great books to use in tandem with your science kits on Microworlds, Levers & Pulleys, Floating & Sinking, Magnets & Motors, Ecosystems, and Measuring Time? This workshop is designed with you and your 5th and 6th grade students' needs in mind! We will spend time book-tasting great texts, learning classroom-tested methods to enhance your students' reading and writing in the content areas, and creating lessons to use next school year. Facilitator: Diane Kern, URI English, Language Arts and Literacy Lecturer.
12:30-4:00 pm
- OCG 930 C: Investigating Aquatic Microworlds--Grades 5-6 (1 general science credit) We will ask questions and design experiments that tell us about the secret lives of plankton including those in the 5th grade Microworlds kit, in local ponds and in Narragansett Bay. Much about these microbes at the base of aquatic food webs remains a mystery and can provide great subjects for inquiry by you and your students. The experiments will lead into some assessment ideas for the Microworlds kit. Facilitators: Barbara Sullivan-Watts, URI Biological Oceanographer & GEMS-NET Co-Director & Betty Young, URI School of Education, GEMS-NET Director
Week 3 July 19, 20, 21, 22, 1999 (Monday-Thursday)
8:30 am-12:00 Noon
- EDC 921 S: Middle School Science Curriculum--Grades 7-8 (2 credits, continues in Week 4) This 2-week curriculum work session will work on redesigning science curriculum for grades 7 & 8 in the GEMS-NET districts. Teachers will examine new ideas in science teaching and the latest middle school science instructional materials. District teams will examine their curriculum in light of New Standards Science and National Science Education Standards. Facilitators: Paul Mello, Award-winning HS Science Teacher & Betty Young, URI School of Education, GEMS-NET Director.
12:30-4:00 pm
- EDC 921 H: Mudpie Science: Explorations of Soil & Water--Grades K-6 (1 credit) This session is open all GEMS-NET teachers who would like to learn more about the recurring themes of soil and water in the GEMS-NET curriculum. Pebbles, Sand & Silt/New Plants (Grade 1), Solids & Liquids (Grade 2), Water/Plant Growth & Development (Grade 3), Land & Water (Grade 4), Microworlds (Grade 5), and Ecosystems (Grade 6) explore aspects of these two substances. Teachers will explore and experience soils and waters and learn how they interact in the environment to our benefit and detriment. Facilitator: Josef Görres, Soil Scientist & GEMS-NET Co-Director, URI
Week 4 July 26, 27, 28, 29, 1999 (Monday-Thursday)
8:30-12:00 noon
- EDC 921T: Inquiring Minds Want to Know--ALL GRADES (1 credit) Take a journey to San Francisco's Exploratorium without ever leaving beautiful Rhode Island! This series of inquiry sessions are guaranteed to get your creative juices going and help you explore science topics in new, exciting ways. Learn some great activities that you can use in your classroom next year. All grade levels are welcome. Facilitator: Lucille Andolfo, Science Educator in Residence, RI Department of Education & award-winning Bristol-Warren science teacher!
- EDC 921 U: Making Connections in Physics Institute--Grades K-3 (1 credit) This session is open all GEMS-NET teachers who would like to develop a deeper understanding of elementary physics related to Balance & Motion and Simple Machines. This is a great way to find connections among the South County science kits and to build science content knowledge in an action-filled workshop. Classes will be held at the RI Natural History Museum. Facilitator: Judy Sweeney, Education Curator, RI Natural History Museum
- EDC 921S : Middle School Science Curriculum --Grades 7-8 continued- (2 credits- 2 week course!) This 2-week curriculum work session will work on redesigning science curriculum for grades 7 & 8 in the GEMS-NET districts. Teachers will examine new ideas in science teaching and the latest middle school science instructional materials. District teams will examine their curriculum in light of New Standards Science and National Science Education Standards. Facilitators: Paul Mello, Award-winning HS Science Teacher & Betty Young, URI School of Education, GEMS-NET Director.
- EDC 921 V: Science and Literacy for Grades 1 & 2 (1 credit) Would you like to explore some great books to go along with the science kits of the 1st and 2nd grades? Would you like to see some ways to build literacy skills while you teach science? Join this course with creative literacy instructor, Kay Johnson. You will have a lively time reading, writing and doing science dramatics related to the following kits (New Plants, Balance & Motion, Pebbles/Sand/Silt, Solids & Liquids, Simple Machines, and Insects). Facilitator: Kay Johnson, URI Literacy Instructor.
12:30-4:00 pm
- NRS 591 Soil Science for Middle School Teachers--Grades 6-8 (1 credit--general science) Are you looking for more exciting ways to get your students interested in earth science? In this field course, science teachers will explore and experience soils and waters and learn how they interact in the environment to our benefit and detriment. Special Registration: Contact Betty Young (874-4150) for further information. GEMS-NET Scholarship of $150.00 available upon successful completion. This is not a regular mini-course. Facilitator: Josef Görres, Soil Scientist & GEMS-NET Co-Director, URI
1:00-4:30 pm
- EDC 921 W: Making Connections in Physics Institute--Grades 4-8 (1 credit) This session is open all 4th-8th grade GEMS-NET teachers who would like to develop a deeper understanding of elementary physics related to Sound, Electric Circuits, Magnets, and Levers & Pulleys. This is a great way to find connections among the South County science kits and to build science content knowledge in an action-filled workshop. Classes held at the RI Natural History Museum. Facilitator: Judy Sweeney, Education Curator, RI Natural History Museum.