
How long do your workshops last?
For the first summer of a district's participation in our grant, professional development is in the context of two-week workshops (60 hours). For the following academic year, professional development is in the context of a graduate mathematics course that meets biweekly throughout the academic year. During the second summer, we conduct one-week workshops (30 hours). And we conduct monthly and then bimonthly sessions for the following years. My attachments are for a two-week workshop that was conducted during the first week of a district's participation in our grant.
How many teachers do you involve in your workshops?
The numbers vary from 8 to approximately 40. For example, 16 teachers participated in the attached workshop1 and 15 teachers participated in workshop2.
What are your major goals for your workshops in terms of content and pedagogy?
All of our workshops are designed to introduce a chosen NSF funded curriculum project to a participating district. The major goals involve content and pedagogy. Usually, workshop leaders, including "consultants" who have taught with the materials, model lessons of the chosen curriculum materials at the beginning of the two-week workshops. The purpose is to get the participants involved with the content as "students" and to do so in a learning environment that models the general reform description of a student centered classroom. Other topics such as collaborative learning, technology (computers and calculators), and assessment are woven into the workshops' agenda. Gradually, we shift the "teaching" to the participants, who begin to prepare and then present representative lessons. The attached agendas will give you an idea of the scope and sequence of a two-week workshop.
Are you offering professional development on specific curricula that you are hoping will be used in the classroom? If so, which curricula are you using?
In every workshop, we use specific NSF funded curricula chosen by the participating district. The current list includes: Connected Mathematics Project (CMP), Mathscape: Seeing and Thinking Mathematically (STM), Contemporary Mathematics in Context (Core-Plus), Interactive Mathematics Program (IMP), and Systemic Initiatives for Montana mathematics and Science (SIMMS).
SIMMS IM Workshop Schedule for Brooke Point High School
June 21-25, 1999
7:30-7:35 | Welcome Participants Introduce Instructors |
7:35-8:45 | Group Participants TIMSS Video and Discussion Complete Paperwork |
8:45-9:00 | SIMMS IM Project - An Introduction |
9:00-9:45 | Implementing SIMMS IM Project at Patrick Henry High School |
9:45-10:00 | Break |
10:00-10:45 | Learning Styles |
10:45-11:30 | Skeeters Module - Period 1 |
11:30-12:30 | Lunch |
12:30-12:45 | Journal Entry |
12:45-2:25 | Skeeters Module - Period 2 |
2:25-2:30 | Journal Entry |
7:30-7:45 | Journal Comments Article for Discussion |
7:45-8:15 | Collaborative/Cooperative Learning |
8:15-8:30 | Module Presentation Requirements |
8:30-9:30 | Skeeters Module - Period 2 |
9:30-9:45 | Break |
9:45-10:30 | Journal Comments |
10:30-11-30 | Geometer's Sketchpad Activity |
11:30-12:30 | Lunch |
12:30-1:45 | Black Gold Module- Period 1 |
1:45-2:30 | Work on Individual Selected Modules |
7:30-8:45 | Black Gold Module - Period 2 |
8:45-9:30 | Focus Issue: Assessment Awareness |
9:30-9:45 | Break |
9:45-10:15 | Assessment on Black Gold Module |
10:15-11:15 | Work on Individual Selected Modules |
11:15-11:30 | Mathematics Standards of Learning for Virginia Public Schools (SOL) |
11:30-12:00 | Lunch |
12:30-2:30 | Work on Individual Selected Modules |
7:30-8:30 | Focus issue: School Community Relations Journal Entry |
8:30-10:45 | Group Presentation 1 |
10:15-11:30 | SOL Correlations with SIMMS IM Project |
11:30-12:30 | Lunch |
12:30-2:30 | Group Presentation 2 |
7:30-7:45 | Calculator Problem |
7:45-9:45 | Group Presentation 3 |
10:00-12:00 | Group Presentation 4 |
12:00-1:00 | Lunch |
1:00-2:15 | SOL Correlations with SIMMS IM Project |
2:15-2:30 | Debriefing |
SIMMS IM Workshop Schedule for Brooke Point High School
August 23-27, 1999
DAY 1, August 23
7:30-9:00 | Cooperative learning |
9:00-10:30 | Using the spreadsheet |
10:30-11:00 | Register for math course and technology survey |
11:00-1:30 |
Work on completing modules presented during the workshop from June 21-25. For all modules, include the following components:
- unit time line
- daily lesson plans
- supplementary materials (worksheets, etc.)
- quizzes; tests (1 SOL & 1 SIMMS)
- if unit lends itself to one of the unaddressed SOLs - cover it
- Reflect on This
- So You Want to Buy a Car
- Yesterday's Food Is Walking and Talking Today
- What Will We Do When the Well Runs Dry?
DAY 2, August 24
7:30-1:30 |
Work in pairs on one of the 8 modules:
- A New Look at Boxing
- Skeeters Are Overrunning the World
- Oil: Black Gold
- I'm Not So Sure Anymore
- Are You Just a Small Giant?
- One Step Beyond
- From Rock Bands to Recursion
- Under the Big Top but Above the Floor
DAY 3, August 25
7:30-1:30 | Continue work on modules. |
DAY 4, August 26
7:30-10:30 | Swap units; go through, critique, and debug |
10:30-1:30 | inalize units |
DAY 5, August 27
7:30-1:30 | Present modules and put materials in 3-ring notebooks |
Professional Development in Albemarle County
Summer, 1999
Day 1 |
In order to give the teachers a "flavor" of MathScape, we did selected activities from the two units, Designing Spaces and The Language of Algebra. |
Day 2 |
We gave an overview of the MathScape curriculum and did a 3-hour workshop on the TI-83. |
Day 3 |
We "modeled" the unit, What Does the Data Say? |
Day 4 |
We "modeled" the unit, Buyer Beware and assigned the unit, From Zero to One and Beyond, for presentation by the teachers. |
Day 5 |
The teachers "modeled" presentations of the unit, From Zero to One and Beyond. |
Day 6 |
The teachers "modeled" presentations of the unit, Chance Encounters, and they began the process of correlating MathScape units with Virginias Standards of Learning. |
Days 7, 8, 9 |
With assistance from the workshop leaders, the teachers worked their way through the units, Number Powerhouse, Gullivers World, Patterns in Numbers and Shapes, and The Language of Algebra. They continued the correlation of MathScape units with Virginias standards of Learning. |
Day 10 |
The teachers planned the first two-three weeks of classes. They were working in small groups, and this planning included discussions of content, methodology, and the correlation of MathScape units with Virginias Standards of Learning. |
Throughout the 10-day workshop, as opportunities arose, we introduced mathematical content beyond the mathematics in the unit in order to broaden the teachers content knowledge.
The workshop was attended by 32 teachers.
Professional Development
Summer, 1999
District |
Dates |
Material |
Leaders |
Albemarle County |
June 14-18
August 16-20 |
MathScape |
Wayne Patty
Marlene Robinson
Donna Davis |
Buckingham County |
June 28-July 2 |
Connected Math |
Betti Kreye
Jennifer Wall |
July 19-22
August 2-4
August 31-September 2 |
Core-Plus |
Wayne Patty
Betti Kreye |
Craig County |
August 9-13 |
MathScape |
Wayne Patty
Harold Mick |
August 2-6
August 9-13 |
Jesse Wilkins
Ben Bazak |
Montgomery County |
June 14-18 |
Connected Math |
Betti Kreye
Carl Grady |
June 21-25
August 9-13 |
Core-Plus |
Wayne Patty
Betti Kreye
Harold Mick |
Roanoke City |
June 14-18
July 12-16 |
MathScape |
Harold Mick
Deborah Lyman
Donna Davis
Dorothy Roach
Bonnie Simmons |
Stafford County |
June 21-25
August 23-27 |
Harold Mick
Ben Bazak
Lou Wendling |
Professional Development Buckingham County CMP
Summer, 1999
June 28 |
Data Around Us
TI-83 Grade 7
Cooperative Learning |
June 29 |
Stretching & Shrinking
TI-83 Grades 6, 8 |
June 30 |
Filling & Wrapping
Algeblocks |
July 1 |
Say It with Symbols
Content area reading |
July 2 |
What do you Expect
Reflections/Dr Math (Math Scape)
Overview of Core-Plus |
Professional Development Buckingham County Core Plus
Summer, 1999
July 19-22 |
Overview of curriculum, unit planning guides, teacher resource materials
Unit Planning Guides for Courses 1 and 2 of Core Plus
In-depth look at A.14, one of Virginias Standards of Learning for Algebra I, by the entire class using Courses 1, 2, and 3 of Core Plus
In-depth look at A.5, another one of Virginias SOLs for Algebra I, in small groups, followed by the sharing of information.
Correlation of Core Plus with Algebra I SOLs
Tentative description of an integrated 3-year course, Algebra I/Geometry.
Meeting with the Principal of Buckingham County High School to discuss the teaching of this new integrated course and the need for an additional math teacher |
Aug 2-4 |
Cooperative Learning (Spencer Kagon and other materials)
TI-83 session on matrices, Course 2 Unit 1
Lesson demo (as with students, Course I Unit 1 Lesson 3, Investigations 1, 2, and 3)
Content area reading
unit planning guides
Virginias Standards of Learning: correlation of Algebra I, Geometry, and Algebra II with the Core-Plus material
Development of parent information letter and grading scale |
Aug 31-Sept 2 |
Daily Lessons Plans
Course 1 Unit 1
Technology (TI-83) sessions from Course 1 Unit 1
CMP lesson plans for Basic Algebra on Moving Straight Ahead
manipulatives & TI-83
Software preview Course 2 |
Professional Development Craig County IMP
Summer, 1999
Aug 2-6 |
The content of the first two units, Patterns and Game of Pig, was covered. |
Aug 9-13 |
The third unit. Overland Trail, was introduced.
The movie, The Donner Party, was shown and discussed.
Group work and cooperative learning were discussed, and a lot of time was spent working in groups.
Holistic grading was discussed and some time was spent grading solutions to the Checkerboard Problem.
Portfolio assessment, homework, and tests were also discussed.
There was work with the TI-83 mostly in the context of the Game of Pig, but it was also used some in Patterns. Correlations of IMP with Virginias Standards of Learning was also discussed, and two afternoons were devoted to planning. |
Professional Development Montgomery County Core Plus
Summer, 1999
June 21 |
Overview of curriculum, unit planning guides, teacher resource materials |
June 22 |
In-depth look at A.14, one of Virginias Standards of Learning for Algebra I, by the entire class using the Connected Math unit, Frogs, Fleas, and Painted Cubes, and Courses 1, 2, and 3 of Core Plus.
In-depth look at A.5, another one of Virginias SOLs for Algebra I, in small groups, followed by the sharing of information. |
June 23 |
Groups research coverage of selected/chosen Algebra I SOLs and share findings
Groups research coverage of chosen Geometry SOLs and share findings
Groups complete Planning Guides for Course 1 of Core Plus. |
June 24 |
Groups complete research and reporting on Geometry SOL coverage
Groups construct Planning Guides for Course 2 of Core Plus |
June 25 |
Groups research and report out on coverage of Algebra II SOLs
Groups refine and continue work on Planning Guides for Courses 1 and 2 of Core Plus |
Aug 9-13 |
SOL coverage and correlation using previous work done by teachers in Montgomery County and Buckingham County
Content area reading strategies and issues
Geometers Sketchpad
Planning Guides
Review of Connected Math 8th grade units (information on what students will have had prior to 9th grade)
Grouping by schools to plan for use of Core Plus in Algebra I, Geometry and Algebra II (while waiting for approval of adoption by the school board so that the integrated courses, * Algebra I/Geometry and Algebra I/Geometry/Algebra II, can be taught)
Team Building Activities
Planning across county by subject areas
Cooperative learning strategies
*It should be noted that the Board of the Virginia Department of Education (February, 1998) approved the following integrated courses:
- Algebra I/Geometry, 3-yr Sequence, Course I
- Algebra I/Geometry, 3-yr Sequence, Course II
- Algebra I/Geometry, 3-yr Sequence, Course III
- Algebra I/Geometry/Algebra II, 3-yr Sequence, Course I
- Algebra I/Geometry/Algebra II, 3-yr Sequence, Course II
- Algebra I/Geometry/Algebra II, 3-yr Sequence, Course III
This permits school districts to implement an NCTM Standardsbased curriculum and to determine when their students have completed coverage of the SOLs for Algebra I, Geometry, and Algebra II. |
Roanoke City MathScape Workshop
Woodrow Wilson Middle School
July 12-16, 1999
8:00-11:30 |
Review and complete revised scope and sequence timelines. |
11:30-1:00 |
Lunch |
1:00-2:00 |
Geometry activities (Polyhedra and soap bubbles) |
2:00-3:00 |
TI-83 session designed for beginners (Box-and-Whiskers) |
8:00-11:30 |
Curriculum Work |
11:30-1:00 |
Lunch |
1:00-3:00 |
Geometers Sketchpad session for beginners |
8:00-11:30 |
Curriculum Work including developing Geometers Sketchpad activities for MathScape lessons |
11:30-1:00 |
Lunch |
1:00-3:00 |
Excel (spreadsheet) session for beginners |
8:00-11:30 |
Overview of MathScape
What Does the Data Say
Designing Spaces |
11:30-1:00 |
Lunch |
1:00-1:30 |
Designing Spaces |
1:30-3:00 |
Gullivers Worlds |
8:00-11:30 |
Language of Algebra |
11:30-1:00 |
Lunch |
1:00-1:30 |
Patterns in Numbers and Shapes |
1:30-3:00 |
Shapes and Space |
Professional Development Montgomery County CMP
Summer, 1999
June 14 |
Entire group discussion of unit placement for the 99-00 school year.
Discussion and Decision on textbook ordering needs for the 99-00 school year. |
June 15 |
Content reading strategies |
June 16 |
Content of units that were not used in 98-99 but will be used in 99-00.
Breakout by grade level
Sixth Grade: Virginias Standards of Learning coverage
Seventh Grade: Reflect on implementation
Eighth Grade: TI-83 workshop |
June 17 |
Discussion of grading issues
Planning for the units that were not used in 98-99 but will be used in 99-00
Cooperative Learning
Breakout by grade level
Sixth Grade: TI-83 workshop
Seventh Grade: Virginias Standards of Learning coverage
Eighth Grade: Reflect on implementation |
June 18 |
Planning a parent night
Planning for the units that were not used in 98-99 but will be used in 99-00
CMP connections to Core Plus
Breakout by grade level -
Sixth Grade: Reflect on implementation
Seventh Grade: TI-83 workshop
Eighth Grade: Virginias Standards of Learning coverage |
Professional Development Craig County MathScape
Summer, 1999
Basically, the entire week was spent on mathematical content as we worked our way through MathScape units that are going to be used in 99-00 but were not used in 98-99. the content often went beyond the content found in the units. The specific schedule was as follows:
Aug 9 |
Buyer Beware |
Aug 10 |
Getting Down to Business |
Aug 11 |
Looking Behind the Numbers |
Aug 12 |
Shapes and Space |
Aug 13 |
Getting in Shape |