
Setting the Context: "Meeting the Student's Needs"
Presenter: Dr. Jim Marshall
Multiple Intelligences
- Howard Gardner's seven multiple intelligences
(linguistic, logical-mathematical, spatial, bodily-kinesthetic,
musical, interpersonal, and intrapersonal) offer a wide
variety of ways for teachers to teach and for students to
"show what they know." English language learners have
many avenues for successful academic performance when
multiple intelligences are used as a teaching platform.
Presenter: Dr. Lisa Nyberg
Classroom Observations
Presenters: Academy classroom teachers, TSAs-assistants
Multiple Intelligences (Repeat)
- Howard Gardner's seven multiple intelligences
(linguistic, logical-mathematical, spatial, bodily-kinesthetic,
musical, interpersonal, and intrapersonal) offer a wide
variety of ways for teachers to teach and for students to
"show what they know." English language learners have
many avenues for successful academic performance when
multiple intelligences are used as a teaching platform.
Presenter: Dr. Lisa Nyberg
Classroom Observations
Presenters: Academy classroom teachers, TSAs-assistants
Equity in Science, Mathematics, and Technology Education
- The Hidden Curriculum: Marginalization of language
minority students. Is this a type of cultural genocide?
- Teacher selection for Equity and Access-The Forced Sort
Presenters: Jerry Valadez
Facilitators: Dr. Jim Marshall, Dave Calhoun
Setting the Context: "Analyzing Student Work"
Presenter: Dr. Jim Marshall
Analysis of Student Work
Presenters: Kim Williams Math Specialist & Dr. Jim Marshall
Classroom Observations
Presenters: Academy classroom teacher, TSAs-assistants
Analysis of Student Work (Repeat)
Presenters: Kim Williams, & Dr. Jim Marshall
Classroom Observations
Presenters: Academy classroom teacher, TSAs-assistants
Assessment Action Plan
- Participants will apply information shared in the
Multiple Intelligences session to their own classroom.
An assessment action plan will be developed to match their
teaching assignment.
Presenter: Dr. Lisa Nyberg
Technology: Work on Projects
Presenters: Dan Resciniti, Jean Pennycook, Mike Lebda, & Virginia Kammer
Setting the Context: "Focus Groups"
Presenter: Dr. Jim Marshall
Technology: "Bonding" with EL, Chemistry, & Technology
Presenter: Lucio Cortez, Teacher, FUSD
Working on Projects
Presenters: Dan Resciniti, Jean Pennycook, Mike Lebda, & Virginia Kammer
EL Institute Follow-up Procedures
Presenters: Dr. Jim Marshall & Ana Lopez
Community Resources for Science Teachers
Presenter: Mike Lebda
Mathematics Learning Continuum
Presenters: Kim Williams & Linda Boroski
Setting the Context: "Reflecting on Teacher Practice"
Presenter: Dr. Jim Marshall
Classroom Observations
Presenters: Academy classroom teacher, TSAs-assistants
Mathematics Classroom Observations: How Will They
Affect My Teaching Practices?
Presenter: Caran Resciniti
Science Classroom Observations: How Will They
Affect My Teaching Practices?
Presenter: Jerry Valadez
Teachers Off.
Technology: "Where Are We Now"?
Presenter: Mike Lebda
Working on Projects
Presenters: Dan Resciniti, Jean Pennycook, Mike Lebda, & Virginia Kammer
Classroom Observations (Repeat)
Presenters: Academy classroom teacher, TSAs-assistants
Mathematics Classroom Observations: How Will They
Affect My Teaching Practices? (Repeat)
Presenter: Caran Resciniti
Science Classroom Observations: How Will They
Affect My Teaching Practices? (Repeat)
Presenter: Jerry Valadez
Teachers Off.
Technology: "Where Are We Now"? (Repeat)
Presenter: Mike Lebda
Working on Projects
Presenters: Dan Resciniti, Jean Pennycook, Mike Lebda, & Virginia Kammer
Technology: Flex time to work on projects
Presenters: Dan Resciniti, Jean Pennycook, Mike Lebda, & Virginia Kammer
Equity in Science, Mathematics, and Technology Education: Voices from the Classroom-- Equity Student Panel
- Teacher Selection-Collective Thoughts
- Student Experience Panel
Presenters: Jerry Valadez, Roy Mendiola
Exemplary Lessons in Mathematics, Science and Technology:
Closing the Achievement Gap
Facilitators: Dan Resciniti, Jean Pennycook, Mike Lebda, & Virginia Kammer
Presenters: Dr. Jim Marshall, Dave Calhoun, Jerry Valadez,
Dr. Dave Andrews
Next steps, closure
Presenter: Dr. Jim Marshall