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Hands-On Science In Seattle Public Schools, K-5 Annual Overview
The Seattle Local Systemic Change Program is a partnership with the
University of Washington's Department of Molecular Biotechnology, Department
of Physics, and K-12 Institute, the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center,
and The Boeing Company to support the implementation of an inquiry-based
science program in all schools with elementary students. The Leadership Team
guides the program development and is composed of representatives from each
of the partner organizations, administrators, the PTA Council president, and
a member of the Alliance for Education.
The Seattle School District is urban and multi-ethnic with a K-12 student
population of 46,955. To date there are 1057 grade-level K-5 classroom
teachers and 22,996 students in 71 elementary schools. Almost 50% of the
student population are on free or reduced lunch. Community activism and
stewardship contribute to a very unusually supportive relationship between
the school system and the community.
Joseph Olchefske, Superintendent, and Dr. June Rimmer as Chief Academic
Officer, continue to work together to help school staff's transform their
instructional programs so that children will be prepared for the 21st
Century. All programs are to be standards-based by September 2001.
Our Partnership for Inquiry-Based Science commenced in the summer of 1996
with two pilot schools and seventeen new schools. Ten schools joined in the
second year, and ten more joined in the third year. In the fourth year,
seventeen schools came on board. Finally, in our fifth summer, the balance of
the fifteen schools have joined. We have approximately 94% of our elementary
teachers participating in the program. The following five goals of this
grant provide support for teachers to deliver effective science instruction
to elementary students:
- Summer and Fall Science Institutes on unit implementation, pedagogy and
content as well as classes throughout the school year
- School-based professional development and support based on school or
individual teacher needs as they relate to the project
- Materials support, analysis, and refurbishment provided by a materials
supervisor, a volunteer scientist along with other volunteers at the District
Science Materials Center
- Scientist and University support focused on the Science Content Courses
- Other University support focused on family awareness and family
- In year five, 94% of the teachers from the 71 schools are participating in
the project.
- We have conducted 5 principal workshops with a total of 42 principals
- Science Resource Teachers have utilized facilitative leadership skills to
assist schools with the development of school-wide improvement plans for
- The Science Materials Center (SMC): has an excellent record of delivering
the kits on time and is very "teacher friendly", had success in a community
Open House in May 2000, gave its second tour for Washington State LASER's
Conference in June 2000 and gave a third tour for the Mini-Steps Conference
in September 2000.
- Family and community science literacy experiences are provided through
funding from the University of Washington and some local foundations.
- Family Science Programs have been provided at the Woodland Park Zoo in May
1998, 1999 and 2000 for schools with a high level of children living in
- Dr. Dana Riley-Black, K-12 Institute, U.W., has made commendable efforts in
organizing the Science Content Courses and is the contact person for
- The Physics Education Group of the Physics Department at the University of
Washington has contributed 3000 hours to date in the development of the
Science Concept Courses and has helped to recruit scientists for teaching
these courses.
- Dr. Jerome Patoux, Dept. of Atmospheric Sciences, U.W., has taught the
Weather Unit science content course for two years and has now written a book
called Weather 2000 - An introduction to the physics of weather for
elementary school teachers & Dr. Ellen Wijsman, Dept. of Biostatistics and Division of Medical Genetics,
U.W., has developed a useful data analysis course to explore and clarify the
uses of various graphing styles in the context of the specific data analysis
activities designed for each kit. She teaches the class with SRTs assisting.
- The District lead a collaborative effort to develop District Science
Standards based on our state's Essential Academic Learning Requirements
(EALRs) and the national standards. These were passed by the School Board in
June. At that time the School Board Vice-President came out with a strong
statement that the District would sustain the elementary and middle school
- The Alliance for Education has formed a Science Compact in September 2000
with support from top leaders from Immunex and Boeing, the superintendent and
the school board. Again, the Vice-President of the School Board came out
and made a strong statement that three committees would be formed to ensure
that we sustain the LASER model of science education reform and the work that
has been done to date. The three committees are: academic, fund raising, and
- Two new classes have been developed: Observation Lessons and Subtle Shifts.
- Science Notebook classes help foster the development of expository written
communication skills for each unit. Through using these skills, students can
increase their understanding of the science concepts they are investigating.
- Nine fifth grade teachers piloted the 5th grade P.A.S.S. assessments.
- The Lead Teacher Program has been further developed and has doubled in size
with about 45 active participants.
- 22 Lead Teachers helped to facilitate classes during the summer of 2000 and
two other Lead Teachers acted as Family Science Lead Teachers and helped to
facilitate Family Science events in at least two schools.
- Four Lead Teachers represented the District in Washington State's LASER
Conference in June. They updated the vision and mission statement for the
K-8 LSC programs.
- The Annual Retreat attracted about 70 District and community members to
discuss issues and challenges of sustainability.
- For the fourth year, the Alliance for Education has coordinated business
and industry funding to provide unit-related field trips for all children in
the program.
- Collaboration with the Middle School Science Systemic Change Partnership
LSC continues to grow and provide substantial support for our efforts.
- A Web site has been established to share components of the program. The
address is http://science.seattleschools.org .