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Summer Workshop Information: The K-5 PRIME Mathematics Project

published: 07/25/2002
posted to site: 07/25/2002

Summer Workshop Information: The K-5 PRIME Mathematics Project

Submitted by: Carol A. Thornton and Jeffrey E. Barrett, Co-PIs

a) How long did the workshops last?
One week, repeated 3 times for different groups, 36 contact hours for each group.

b) How many teachers did the workshop involve?

c) What were the major goals for your workshops in terms of content and pedagogy?
This summer's work focused on enhancing teachers' understanding of the mathematics content related to the K-5 teaching of probability, graphing/statistics, and algebra/patterning, and to strengthen teachers' knowledge of and commitment to reform-based pedagogical strategies for mathematics instruction involving these topics. In addition, number topics causing greatest concern (e.g. fractions at Grade 4; developing number sense at K and Grade 1) were revisited.

The first hour and a half each day focused on mathematics content underlying the targeted topics. The Bridges materials formed the basis for these sessions. K-5 teachers were mixed into groups for these sessions. For the remainder of each day teachers met in grade-level groups to focus on related pedagogy.

Reform-based curricula being used by teachers (see d, below) along with PRIME's classroom strategies emphasizing (1) worthwhile mathematical tasks, (2) high-level questions with LISTENING to and building on student thinking, and (3) engaged learning provided the general framework for the pedagogical sessions. Longitudinal research spanning 10 years by four of the senior staff on children's probabilistic thinking and statistical reasoning provided a rich context for the probability and graphing / statistics sessions.

d) Are you offering professional development on specific curricula that you are hoping will be used in the classroom? If so, which curricula are you using?
The Investigations into Number, Data, and Space curriculum formed the basis for the pedagogy sessions in the first two weeks. During the last week Edison Project schools were involved, so the Everyday Mathematics curriculum provided the framework for pedagogy sessions during this week.

PRIME 2002 Summer Sessions: June 3-7 and June 10-14 (Non Edison); June 17-21 (Edison) - Lincoln Middle School

Primary Focus: Probability, Graphing/Statistics, Algebra

  Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
8:00 - 9:30 PRIME Overview
(8:00 - 8:15) Carol

K - 5 Math

(from Bridges)

K - 5 Math

(from Bridges)

K - 5 Math

(from Bridges)

K - 5 Math

(from Bridges)

K - 5 Math

(from Bridges)

9:30 - 9:45 Break Break Break Break Break
9:45 - 11:15 Pedagogy: Based on Investigations
Grade K: Connie
Grade 1: Jessica
Grade 2: Cindy
Grade 3: Janenne
Grade 4: Jeff
Grade 5: Mel
Pedagogy: Based on Investigations
Grade K: Connie
Grade 1: Jessica
Grade 2: Cindy
Grade 3: Janenne
Grade 4: Jeff
Grade 5: Mel
Pedagogy: Based on Investigations
Grade K: Connie
Grade 1: Jessica
Grade 2: Cindy
Grade 3: Janenne
Grade 4: Jeff
Grade 5: Mel
Pedagogy: Based on Investigations
Grade K: Connie
Grade 1: Jessica
Grade 2: Cindy
Grade 3: Janenne
Grade 4: Jeff
Grade 5: Mel
Pedagogy: Based on Investigations
Grade K: Connie
Grade 1: Jessica
Grade 2: Cindy
Grade 3: Janenne
Grade 4: Jeff
Grade 5: Mel
11:15 - 11:55 Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch
11:55 - 2:00 Pedagogy: Based on Investigations
Grade K: Connie
Grade 1: Jessica
Grade 2: Cindy
Grade 3: Janenne
Grade 4: Jeff
Grade 5: Mel
K Pedagogy: Based on Investigations
Grade K: Connie
Grade 1: Jessica
Grade 2: Cindy
Grade 3: Janenne
Grade 4: Jeff
Grade 5: Mel
K Pedagogy: Based on Investigations
Grade K: Connie
Grade 1: Jessica
Grade 2: Cindy
Grade 3: Janenne
Grade 4: Jeff
Grade 5: Mel
K Pedagogy: Based on Investigations
Grade K: Connie
Grade 1: Jessica
Grade 2: Cindy
Grade 3: Janenne
Grade 4: Jeff
Grade 5: Mel
Pedagogy: Based on Investigations
Grade K: Connie
Grade 1: Jessica
Grade 2: Cindy
Grade 3: Janenne
Grade 4: Jeff
Grade 5: Mel
2:15 - 4:00 Daily: Cross grade / grade-level study groups

Notes: (1) Two 40-min. technology sessions focused on probability / graphing were scheduled during the pedagogy times.
(2) Carol and teacher leaders led the Edison sessions during week 3 with teachers from two schools.