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Some outside speakers for staff development were provided by outside...

Issue Addressed:

Some outside speakers for staff development were provided by outside groups at no cost to the project but were not as useful as expected.


Project staff has benefited from a number of individuals representing various agencies who expressed interest in the project and offered to provide workshop sessions for Master Science Teachers, generally at no cost to the project. Once confirmed, project staff always reviewed the expectations for the session, reviewed the agenda, clarified the amount of time needed, and discussed the planned activities. In a few cases, the presentations were not exactly what staff expected, and to some degree, may not have met the needs of the Master Science Teachers or the goals of the professional development plan. Project staff plans to be more explicit about future presentations to ensure continuity and consistency with project activities.

Unresolved Issues:

Some speakers and outside trainers are not as effective as expected and project staff must work more closely with these presenters.


Gerard F Consuegra, 1/12/1998


Professional Development



1. I empathize with this problem. We, too, have been surprised...