
Shared by Carol Fry Bohlin (carolb@csufresno.edu)
For Mathematics Educators
- Organizations:
- http://www.sjsu.edu/depts/mathed *A great resource for elementary math methods instructors.*
- http://teech-lsc.terc.edu/ Interested in professional development for math and science teachers? This site was designed for NSF Local Systemic Change grant recipients but contains a plethora of information for all staff developers (resources, papers, practical tips for professional development, vignettes, etc.)
- http://forum.swarthmore.edu/ The Math Forum--a great resource for math educators--designed to help you keep informed about math on the Internet. To subscribe to the Math Forum Internet Newsletter, send a message to majordomo@forum.swarthmore.edu and write in the body subscribe newsletter
http://forum.swarthmore.edu/dr.math/ Ask Dr. Math
http://forum.swarthmore.edu/geopow/ Problem of the Week
http://forum.swarthmore.edu/~steve/ Internet Resources
http://forum.swarthmore.edu/teachers/elem/ "We've gathered the better Internet resources available for you to use in your classroom and for your professional development. A customized search interface allows easy locating of materials both at our site and elsewhere on the Internet. We offer you: Highlighted Math Forum projects and activities, Problems and puzzles, Lesson plan sites and units, Fun sites for kids, Software, Discussion groups for teachers, Articles and publications, and Professional organizations."
- http://www.mathpropress.com/math/mathCenter.html "Internet Center for K-12 math problems"
- http://www.ed.gov/NCES/TIMSS/ or http://timss.msu.edu/ Information on the Third International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS). Also check http://timss.enc.org/ for "Tools for Discussion: Attaining Excellence Through TIMSS." This project is also available free on CD-ROM.
- http://www.ed.gov/NCES/naep/ "NAEP on the Net"--Includes the "Report in Brief: National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP), 1994 Trends in Academic Progress"--comes from the National Center for Education Statistics
- http://www.enc.org Eisenhower National Clearinghouse. For links to math/science standards and reform articles/documents, use http://www.enc.org/reform/index.htm
- http://www.geom.umn.edu/software/download/KaleidoTile.html KaleidoTile: Downloadable geometry software: polyhedra--color, sound--excellent! A great instructional aid!
- http://www.learner.org/ Annenberg/CPB Math and Science Project; "The Guide to Math and Science Reform," science and math initiatives, and more!
- http://www.stolaf.edu/stolaf/other/extend Math education reform conversations
- http://ourworld.compuserve.com:80/homepages/mathman Home of "Mathematically Correct." Anti-math reform conversations, articles, references, etc. For updates, check <..... mathman/whatsnew.htm>. Other related sites are HOLD's (Honest Open Logical Debate): http://www.rahul.net/dehnbase/hold/, http://www.intres.com/math/ (Where's the Math?"), and "The Truth About Math Standards and Math Reform: http://www.wgquirk.com/
- http://www.tiac.net/users/ckassoc Gender equity in math and science education
- http://home.ust.hk/~philipl/omino/omino.html A great resource for polyomino information/activities
- http://www.mathpro.com/math/glossary/glossary.html A glossary of mathematics terms
- http://math.furman.edu/~mwoodard/data.html A collection of math quotations (83 pages)!
- http://www.csun.edu/~hcmth014/comicfiles/newcomics.html Math-related cartoons!
For Educators:
- http://chronicle.merit.edu/ The Chronicle of Higher Education online
- http://www.edweek.org/ Education Week on the Web: "American Education's Online Newspaper of Record"; site contains an abundance of information for the professional educator: Education Week; Teacher Magazine; Education Week archives--all articles since 1989; The Daily News--the best articles written about education each day in newspapers around the country; "In Context"--education jargon explained, promising web sites, best-selling education titles; "Special Reports"
- http://www.ascd.org The Association of Supervision and Curriculum Development's home page. Contains Educational Leadership online and updates about ASCD programs, products, services, and more.
- http://commons.somewhere.com/reportcard/index.html Daily Report Card: A summary of news in K-12 education--particularly education reform--produced three times a week and sponsored by the National Education Goals Panel.
- http://www.time.com/teach Teaching & Technology's web page
- http://www.scholastic.com Scholastic Place--freebies for teachers and students, and lots more!
http://scholastic.com/EL The Educator's Web Guide
- http://www.gsn.org Classroom projects, collaboration opportunities, school Web pages; also see http://www.classroom.net/classweb/
- http://www.mightymedia.com Chat online with teachers from around the world!
- http://ericir.sunsite.syr.edu ERIC database on-line, along with exemplary lesson plans, and ITV teachers' guides
- http://web66.coled.umn.edu
Information to help get your school online
- http://nscp.fie.com/htdoc/fed/all/any/any/foa/any/faq.htm Funding source for future activities. They'll send out messages according to your interest area.
For Everyone
- http://www.lycos.com/pplfndr.html Looking for someone? If they have a listed phone number, "PeopleFind" will locate them for you! Want to find out their internet address rather than their mailing address? Try http://home.netscape.com/home/internet-white-pages.html You may also want to try http://www.whowhere.com/phone.html
- TRAVEL: http://travel.yahoo.com/travel/ Locate the best airline connections and fares! http://www.flifo.com/ is also a great site to locate hotels and flights and to see if flights are on time.
http://www.zip2.com/ Get directions, maps, flight & hotel information, and a lot more!
http://www.freetrip.com/ Creates personalized and comprehensive driving itineraries!
http://www.mapblast.com Maps out trips of < 1000 miles; points out "Really Important Landmarks"
http://professionals.com/~vilas/flights/allFlights.html Flight information for all major airline carriers
http://www.americanair.com/aa_home/features.htm is a related site--a great jumping off place for a plethora of information related to American Airlines--airplane seating charts, route maps, etc.
- http://cnn.com/WEATHER/html/ Complete four-day forecast for over 6000 cities! Great site!
- http://hawaii.ivv.nasa.gov:80/space/hawaii/virtual.field.trips.html Virtual field trips of Hawaii!
- http://www.nytimes.com/ The New York Times online--one of many papers online; searchable.
- http://www.slackinc.com/matrix/ Medical Matrix: Guide to internet clinical medicine resources; has a link to Medline and thousands of articles on diseases and medical specialties.
- http://thomas.loc.gov/ Legislative updates, Congressional Record, historical documents, committee information, U.S. Government internet resources, etc.
- http://www.familytreemaker.com/facds.html The FamilyFinder /index is the place to start genealogy research. It contains over 153 million names; about 20% of people who have ever lived in the US are listed.
- http://www.keirsey.com/cgi-bin/keirsey/newkts.cgi and http://keirsey.com What is your Myers-Briggs Type Indicator? Take the test and get your results back quickly!
- http://www.bluemountain.com Lets you design and send web-based greeting cards to your friends!
http://www.cardcentral.net/ "Meta-site" for free virtual greeting cards!
- http://www.iflorist.com/ or http://www.virtualflorist.com/ Send a "virtual" flower bouquet via e-mail (free of charge!), as well as order real flowers and plants.
- http://gort.ucsd.edu/ek/refshelf/refshelf.html An incredible site, with links to reference books, thesauri, zip code directories, colleges & universities, Books in Print, city info, tax forms, moon phases, etc. Another great overall site is B.J. Pinchbeck's Homework Helper - http://tristate.pgh.net/~pinch13/