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Suggestions From Conference Participants for Instruments to Measure Student Outcomes in Science (K-8 & 6-12)
K-8 Science
Machine Scored
- SAT-9 gr. 3, 6, 7 , 8, 9-12
- PASS (Partnership for Assessment of Standards Based Science)
- NYS PET gr. 4 (New York State Program Evaluation Test in Science)
- SC PACT (South Carolina Palmetto Achievement Challenge Test) Science Achievement Test
- Terra Nova 6th Gr. Science
- Released NAEP items
- CTB Reading/Math Terra Nova
- New York State Math (CTB/McGraw Hill)
- Insights Assessment developed by Maryellen Harmon
- PASS (Partnership for Assessment of Standards Based Science), gr. 5, 8 (Fresno)
- FOSS Writing Prompts writing sample project (Fresno) gr. K-6, will be developing 7-8
- NYS PET gr. 4
- SC PACT content, process
- SAT-9 Science
- Selected Module Based Assessment Tests for project
- 5th Grade test based on TIMSS released items
- Module Benchmark Assessments (also performance)
- District developed performance assessment
- PASS Partnership for the Assessment of Standards-Based Science Assessment 2000
- Performance Assessment Framework for selected STC Module-embedded tasks classroom use
- Insight Assessment developed by Maryellen Harmon
- FOSS Embedded Assessment System (K-6) developed by Fresno, district wide
- SCASS - States Collaborative of Assessment and State Standards
- Instrument for classroom based on assessment
- Assessment unit for specific FOSS Kits aligned with WA State Standards
- KIT-based Assessment
- New Standards Reference Exam, Science (if ever released)
- NYS PET, gr. 4
- PAL Performance Assessment in Language Arts
- NYS Pupil Evaluation in Science, gr. 4
- ECLAS Early Childhood Language Assessment Scale
- Performance Assessment in Math (New York City)
6-12 Science
- SAT-9 Science (grades 9-12)
- Augmented Science Test field test in Spring 2001 (Fresno)
- ILSE (Intermediate Level Science Exam) - (New York) Grade 8 LS, PS, ES
- Partnership for the Assessment of Standards-Based Science (PASS) - Wested
- State Proficiency Tests
- Off-Grade Tests
- New Standards Science Reform exam
- Golden State Exams (Machine-scored, open-ended and performance components integrated science: biology, chemistry, physics)
- Core program assessments developed by the Spokane school district diagnostic, formative, summative
- ILSE (New York) open-ended section
- PASS open-ended section (LS, ES, PS)
- State Proficiency tests
- New Standards
- Ohio Benchmark Exam
- Rubrics to assess science standard #8 (scientific investigation)
- controlled experiment
- field study
- secondary research
- ILSE performance section (New York)
- microscopic measurement and classification
- density calculations and inferences
- experimental designs