
posted by:
nsfemc2 @ aol.com
on August 25, 1999
at 11:49AM
Role of Volunteer Scientists from the Private Sector
Thanks for making me aware of this discussion group. Let me introduce myself to your discussion group audience.
I am a biochemist/consultant for Bristol Myers Squibb and was originally with Union Camp helping to support our Local Systemic Change Initiative by organizing a local partnership, Building Bridges To the Future. This initiative supported the development of the the E=MC2 LSCI in central New Jersey (Ewing, Lawrence, West Windsor-Plainsboro). I have been very impressed by the progress that Sona and the E=MC2 program have made in fostering real change in our local school districts.
As we move into middle school reform we need to continue to involve industry and business.
The role of the volunteer scientist must be clearly defined and should be more than being a cheer-leader for reform.
As we move up the education ladder there will be even more of a need for making science education relevant to the every day lives of the students. Industrial scientists could play a significant role in this process.
As a volunteer scientist from private industry, I know the strains that effect the participation in science reform efforts. Without clearly defined, specific activities for volunteer scientists, management support for active participation can weaken quickly.
Industrial scientists need to continue to work closely with teachers to identify those roles at the middle school. We don't want to invent something for which there maybe little or no need. Working closely with teachers helps to better define useful roles of the industrial scientist.
I hope that these ramblings make sense but I feel strongly that the private sector can bring a unique perspective to reform efforts that enriches the overall process.
Thank you.