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NSF Program Notes

NSF Program Notes


NSF Annual Report Guidelines

published: Oct 1 1999
posted to site: 11/07/2002
Please Note: As of October 1, 1999 all reports to NSF must be submitted via FastLane.

You may find the following FastLane links helpful:

Local Systemic Change

NSF Reporting Requirements

Annual Report: Due NOVEMBER 15, 2002

Request for Continuation of Funding:
  • Due 90 days before the end of the current funding period
  • Must include certification of Cost Share, and
  • Addendum to Annual Report if request is after April 1

Annual LSC Report:

NSF still requires the same information as last year; however, because of FastLane, the information will need to be submitted in a way that is quite different.

The information that follows is intended as guidance on how projects might "fit" the information we need into the new FastLane format. If you encounter any difficulty or have suggestions about how this might be improved for next year, we would appreciate hearing from you.

In FastLane you will recognize five categories (with sub-headings) in which information may be submitted:

  1. Participants
  2. Activities and Findings
  3. Publications and Products
  4. Contributions
  5. Special Requirements

Any materials that you would normally choose to include as appendices to your annual report, other than your Evaluator's Report, should be sent to your Program Officer in the usual way, in hard copy via regular mail. The Evaluator's report may be transmitted via a pdf file (see below).

Note: As you proceed through submitting your report via FastLane, any category not filled in must be flagged as "Nothing (Yet) to Report."

1. Participants:

Note: "Participants" here means project personnel, NOT teachers to whom professional development (PD) is being delivered.

In this category, under the sub-heading People, please list all key personnel and all others who provide significant PD on the project (although some may contribute less than 160 hours).

Please give information about who provides the various types of PD within the project and how the project ensures that PD providers are prepared to carry out their responsibilities (i.e., If there are distinct types of PD providers -- e.g., TOSAS, resource teachers, classroom teachers serving as school-based teacher leaders, scientists/mathematicians -- please describe the role(s) each group plays, the selection criteria for persons in that role, and how the project selects/prepares individuals in each group). Note: We would like information about each of these providers. This need/should not be done by entering a name for each individual. As an example, access the page headed "Review and Revise Information on Project Participant" and -- for resource teachers, say -- you may enter the name "Resource" under first name and "Teacher" under last name. Check or specify a resource teacher's role in the project and then describe the selection process and preparation for a resource teacher in the space provided. Similarly, if there are scientists from industry, one might enter "Industry" and "Scientist."

2. Activities and Findings:

  1. Describe the major research and educational activities.

    In the section on Project Activities - What?, please give the Annual Overview. This is a maximum two-page narrative that begins with a very brief description of your project and summarizes the major activities and accomplishments for the year. (This overview may be used in NSF publications and shared with other LSC PIs.)

  2. Describe the major findings resulting from these activities.

    In the section on Project Findings - What?, please describe any lessons learned and/or unanticipated effects that have resulted from the project.

    Also, describe any significant changes in district policies, support of key stakeholders, or other facets of the system that will likely affect the sustainability of the LSC reform.

    Your project's Evaluator's Report may be attached as a pdf file in this section.

  3. Describe the opportunities for training and development provided by your project.

    In the section on Project Training/Development - What?, please:

    Describe the key components of the professional development plan, including the project's strategies for

    1. deepening teacher's content knowledge
    2. deepening teacher understanding of effective pedagogy and assessment that promotes student learning
    3. helping teachers become conversant with the instructional materials designated for classroom use
    4. supporting teachers as they implement the materials in their classroom.

    Describe the extent of teacher involvement (i.e., please give the number of teachers attending sessions and the number of hours of LSC PD that each teacher has had in that year or in the project to date).

    Describe the degree of classroom and school implementation.

    Describe any PD activities for non-teachers (e.g., scientists, principals).

    Please feel free to include your reflections on the year's activities and feel free to share interesting anecdotes.

  4. Describe outreach activities your project has undertaken.

    In the section on Outreach Activities - What?, please describe any publicity efforts or outreach to parents and/or the broader community.

3. Publications and Products:

List any tangible products (e.g., research publications, presentations at meetings, development of web pages, etc.). Please provide complete citations using APA style for publications (including dissertations) and presentations.

Please mail a copy of referred journal articles related to the project referenced in this section to the attention of the Teacher Enhancement Section Head at NSF.

4. Contributions:

In the section on Contributions to Resources for Research and Education - What?, please summarize efforts made to build infrastructure and capacity (e.g., long-term commitment to the support of lead or resource teachers, to supplying instructional materials, to professional development, etc.).

5. Special Requirements:

Objectives and Scope:

A listing of and explanation for any significant changes in the plan for the upcoming year, including any changes in the amount of PI or co-PI time devoted to the project. If you made significant changes to the project design as outlined in the proposal during the past year, please list and explain the changes, the purposes for the changes, and the results.