
We've had fairly good response from 5 rural counties in NC. We have usually done slightly less than a week, 3 to 5 days, for last 3 summers. Have worked through principals and district supts. to build case for need for change & encourage teachers to attend sessions as an entire school staff. All of this is part of curriculum adoption for the districts, plus meeting state accountability, so that helps drive need for training. We offer a daily stipend of $60. some districts supplement to make it $80/day. It has also really helped to involve teacher leaders in planning & delivering workshops. There will always be those who grumble & complain, all has to do mostly with whether they buy into need for change in math instruction. We have had a few cases in esp. rural parts where need for summer employment interferes with attending training, but that is the exception rather than the rule.
Susan N Friel,
Teachers should be paid stipends to attend summer staff development - at least $75 per day plus whatever materials they are working with during the sessions. If in-service credit is available, it is also a motivator. Setting a target number of hours to achieve, e.g., 100 hours can help teachers set their sights on a goal. Of course, recognition of attainment of the goal must be given. Overall, the biggest motivator is a GOOD WORKSHOP. Word spreads that the time was well spent and subsequent sessions will be full. In the summer of 1999, the MARS LSC Project provided 60 hours of summer professional development to 1,650 K-5 teachers in Baltimore City Schools.(Yes, it was hectic.) All of the motivators mentioned above were used-and they worked! Andrea Bowden, MARS Co-PI and Supervisor of Science, Mathematics and Health Baltimore City Schools
Andrea R Bowden,