
In addition to sending your annual report to NSF via Fastlane, we ask that you submit the Annual Report Overview to LSC-net. You can do this through the LSC-net site or by sending an e-mail attachment to Liza_Applebee@TERC.edu. We know that this is an extra step, but submitting your overview to the site allows for the sharing of this information with other LSC colleagues. Many PIs have found it useful to browse through this section when preparing their report. To submit your Annual Report Overview through LSC-net go to the Reports from the Field section and click on "add a report." You will then see a form for submitting reports. To submit it using e-mail, send an e-mail attachment to Liza_Applebee@terc.edu. If the materials are available in a web-based format (HTML, PDF, GIF & JPEG images, etc.), please send them along in that format; however, most materials come to us in MS-Word format, and we also can support most other popular document formats as well. If the materials are not available in an electornic format, please send us a hard copy by mail (outside of very short documents, faxing isn't preferable). Some of you have asked "What is the Annual Report Overview?" This is a maximum two-page narrative that begins with a very brief description of your project and summarizes the major activities and accomplishments for the year. The Annual Report Overview is a subsection of the section "Project Activities & Findings."
Joni Falk,