
posted by:
Joni Falk
on October 29, 2001
at 4:53PM
Getting the conversation started
I sent out a welcome to the discussion last week. I figure either there is a technical glitch or you guys are just hesitant to write. Please help me out by getting this discussion started. Hearing from you will assure me that the site is working OK.
Just in case there was a technical glitch I append the message sent last week below. To send a message to the list send your e-mail addressed to LSC-sharing @ list.terc.edu
The focus of this discussion is defining the challenges that relate to communication in large scale reform efforts. What are the communication pathways in your project? How does your vision get transmitted to administrators, teacher leaders and eventually to teachers? Where is there a breakdown in the communication? Does it feel that your vision or goals often get diluted? Are there problems with scale? I am thinking of lead teachers needing to visit so many classes that there can not be in depth intervention. Last, (but please address it in your response) would a tool like LSC-Net be helpful as a tool for communication with your LSC.
Please respond, so I will know if this discussion is truly alive. Many thanks. --Joni.
PS. Below is the message sent out last week. Since it was posted a few new members have subscribed so I apologize for some names that may not have been listed below.
Copy of message sent on 10/24--
Thanks for signing up for this discussion. Right now there are 14 members of this discussion so it is a small group, so please feel free to post your thoughts and opinions. Each of us will need to post in order to make the discussion interesting. We represent 11 different LSC projects so although we are an intimate group, there is a wide array of experiences being brought to the table. The list of people and their current projects are at the end of this e-mail.
This conversation will discuss how the goals of your LSCs are transmitted between constituencies, beginning with PI, project directors, administrators, science and math coordinators and lead teachers and the rest of the teachers. It will be interesting to explore effective models for communication as well as the weak links. (I am sure we all have some weak links.) What kinds of communication does your project require? What are the communication pathways? What tools and means do you employ for this communication?
I am particularly interested in exploring if a tool similar to LSC-Net might facilitate communication between constituencies (eg. lead teachers to teachers) and within constituencies (teacher to teacher). Does your LSC use a website or e-mail for communication? If so, do you have the capability to post best practices, queries, or student work? Do you have discussion groups? I am eager to hear from each of you.
The discussion will run for approximately 4 weeks. Remember don?t hit the reply button to post a message to the list. Send your replies to LSC-sharing @ list.terc.edu or go to the LSC website http://lsc-net.terc.edu and click on Discussions.
I look forward to hearing from you.