
posted by:
Reeny Davison
on December 17, 2001
at 3:38PM
Re: LSC-sharing digest, Vol 1 #17 - 1 msg
My answer would be yes. We have the tradition of using one-page reflection papers after an event to share what we learned. One of our resource teachers who returned to the classroom recently submitted one. We'll send it to you (by mail) as a first piece to use for this community of teacher learners. We haven't yet figured out a way to communicate these gems to a larger audience, but we're thinking about it. Your site might encourage reports on action research and reflection papers that might help us get a teacher-to-teacher journal started.
In response (rather late) to your question as to how we communicate the vision, I have the following thoughts:
* We have district liaisons with whom we meet each semester for business but also to stimulate their thinking about the systemic reform vision.
* The best way to communicate the vision is to involve people in whatever is going on, e.g., professional development planning, recognitions, co-facilitation of PD sessions, and opening up discussions about evaluation results.
* We meet constantly with people from outside the school community who express an interest to encourage them to find a niche in which to become involved.
The vision is the hardest thing to communicate because it requires a change in culture, so people need to grow into understanding and liking it. So we find ourselves supporting teachers and principals until they begin to ask us more questions.
Thanks for taking the initiative.