
posted by:
Joni Falk
on November 12, 2001
at 12:43PM
A discussion that didn't get off the ground
First, thank you to Joan Bieler who recently posted a message to this discussion and for her subsequent query asking what happened to the discussion.
I am puzzled why this discussion never got off the ground. I suspect there may be a few contributing factors.
--Perhaps many of you are rushing on the deadline to get Annual Reports to NSF
--Perhaps the subject of the discussion of how does one communicate their vision within their LSC -- was not well enough defined, or did not catch people's attention
--Last, perhaps there is some technical glitch where messages are not getting through.
At any rate, I think this discussion is not going to fly but please send feedback as to why so that we will know if it is time constraint, the content, or the technology.
After receiving your feedback (and checking out the discussion server) we will start a new discussion following Thanksgiving. Please let me know the topic that would most engage you and your staff and that would lend itself to something that you would want to write about and perhaps even moderate.
I do look forward to hearing from you. You can send your responses to the list (which will help me test the health of the technology.)