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2000 Summer Workshop Agendas
Thanks go to the following 14 projects that submitted their summer workshop agendas: DESERT Project, Elementary Science Education Partners (ESEP) Program, Valle Imperial-Project in Science, Asset Teacher Enhancement Program, Mesa Systemic Initiative, Mathematics: Applications and Reasoning Skills (MARS), Reforming Secondary Science Through Teacher Enhancement, Missouri-Iowa Science Co-op Project, Teacher Enhancement for Student Success (TESS), Chicago Secondary Mathematics Improvement Project, Academic Success for Students and Educators Together (ASSET) Restructuring K-8 Science in Southwest Virginia, Partnership for Systemic Change: A School/Business Collaboration to Enhance Science, Mathematics and Technology Teaching and Learning, Teachers As Agents Of Systemic Change (TAASC), and Guiding Education in Math & Science Network(GEMS-NET).
Content & Curricula
Of the 14 projects that submitted agendas, 8 workshops focused on science alone, 4 on math only and 2 covered both math and science. Four of the ten workshops focusing on science used FOSS, STC and Insights materials. These were Valle Imperial Project in Science, Asset Teacher Enhancement Program, Missouri-Iowa Science Co-op Project, and Partnership for Systemic Change. Two projects used FOSS and STC: ESEP, and Partnership for Systemic Change and two used only FOSS: DESERT Project and TESS. Additional science materials included Science Plus, VIPS and BSCS. We provide this information so that you may contact other systems regarding similar curricula. Hence, it is interesting to note that all eight projects that focused on science used the FOSS curriculum.
If your project is thinking of using FOSS in your next workshop you might want to get in touch with the above projects and hear their reflections on how it went.
In contrast, to the science workshops that leaned heavily of FOSS, the math curricula was different for each system. Curricula used included Box it and Bag it, Investigations in Data, Number & Space, Mathland, IMP, Math in Context, Mathematics, Core-Plus, and Connected Mathematics. No two systems listed the same curricula.
Objectives and Approaches
The goals for all workshops were to advance content and pedagogical knowledge in the context of an inquiry based curriculum. While some projects addressed pedagogy separately, some approached it through specific curricular materials. More specifically, the goal for the ASSET Leadership Conference was to support elementary teachers in use of STC, FOSS and Insights, and to go beyond these "kits" by taking subtle steps towards using the inquiry process. The Chicago Secondary Math improvement Project aimed to encourage teachers to imagine other ways of thinking about math teaching and learning. The ASSET Summer Workshops goal was to develop competent practitioners in the use of hands-on, inquiry based science curriculum through deepening content and pedagogical skills. Other institutes integrated content across several subject domains. For example, the TESS summer institute, in addition to content, inquiry and assessment, also focused on literacy issues as related to the science and math curriculum.
Attendance and Attendees
Attendance for these workshops varied greatly. The number of students per institute ranged from 24 to 650. Attendees were teachers of all grade levels, trainers and administrators. Several systems separated new and returning teachers into different groups.
Location, Duration and Stipends
Workshops ranged in length from 3 days to 2 weeks and were held in a wide variety of locations, some were in schools, others at universities. Most were local day-long (8am-3pm) workshops, however, one project brought their teachers and administrators to an off site hotel where participants stayed overnight for a week. Several offered university credit and/or stipends..
If you have not yet sent your summer workshop schedule it is not too late. This summary was provided in order to give you a better picture of the work going on in other LSCs. To get more specific information on individual projects click on the table provided or you can view individual workshop agendas in the Reports from the Field Section of the LSC-Net site.
Attendance and Attendees
Objectives and Approaches
Content and Curricula
"DESERT Project Summer Institutes" - DESERT Project
4 different workshops, 3-4 days, 1-1 day
20 teams, science facilitators, elem & MS teachers, administrators.
Workshops address assessment, leadership and inquiry. Focus is on pedagogy as related to assessment, inquiry through first hand experiences.
SCIENCE: FOSS (K-5), Science Plus
"SKIL (Science Knowledge Inquiry Leadership) Institute" - Elementary Science Education Partners (ESEP) Program
2 weeks
75 total, 11 new, 45 veteran, 20 model leaders
3 institutes, Introductory focus is primarily on pedagogy, intermediate and advanced workshops focus more on content.
"Valle Imperial Project in Science Summer Workshops 2000" - Valle Imperial - Project in Science
range from 1 - 10 days
open to all K-6 teachers, room for 200 teachers
Workshops are offered covering assessment, hands on, inquiry, content, and process skills. Materials developed by CAPSI and The Institute for Inquiry
SCIENCE: FOSS - Delta, STC, Insights, VIPS, *University credit offered
" 2000 ASSET Leadership Conference" - ASSET Teacher enhancement Program
1 week
24 teachers
Support elementary teachers in use of STC, FOSS and Insights, going beyond kits by taking subtle steps towards the inquiry process.
SCIENCE: FOSS, STC and Insights
"Mesa Systemic Initiative Math/Science Technology Summer Institute" - Mesa Systemic Initiative
2 weeks total, vary in length
Open to teachers K-12
A variety of workshops covering content teaching strategies and assessment
SCIENCE, MATH - Box it and bag it and TECHNOLOGY *stipends and University credit offered.
"Mathematics: Applications and Reasoning Skills (MARS) Summer Workshops" - MARS
1 week
400 current and 200 new elementary teachers
To advance mathematical content and pedagogical knowledge. Institutes by single grade level, presentations by consultants from publishing houses
MATH - Investigations in Data Number and Space
"Reforming Secondary Science Through Teacher Enhancement: Science Education Planning Guide"
1 week
Open to teachers K-12
Goal of program is for students to gain a fundamental level of science literacy
"Science Co-op Project June 2000 Workshop" - Missouri-Iowa Science Co-op Project
1 week
Teachers K-12 and administrators
To develop science curriculum leaders, science content assistants, and to prepare to continue their roles after the project ends.
SCIENCE - FOSS, STC and Insights
" Teacher Enhancement for Student Success (TESS) Summer Institutes" - TESS
range from several days to 1 week
Hundreds of teachers K-6
To address assessment, content in elementary mathematics, support of best practice, and embedded literacy
MATH - mathland , SCIENCE - FOSS
"Chicago Secondary Mathematics Improvement Project Summer Institutes"
15 - 30 hours
120 secondary teachers
To encourage teachers to imagine other ways of thinking about math, teaching and learning
"ASSET Summer Workshop Schedule" - Academic Success for Students and Educators Together Restructuring K-8 Science in Southwest Virginia
13, 1 week workshops.
305 K-5 teachers
To develop competence in the use of hands-on, inquiry based science curriculum through deepening content and pedagogical skills
SCIENCE- primarily STC, also FOSS and Insight
"Partnership for Systemic Change Peer Teacher Workshops" - PSC A School/Business Collaboration to Enhance Science Mathematics and Technology Teaching and Learning
4 days in summer, 2 after school
650 preK-8th grade teachers in the partnership
To increase content knowledge and increase comfort level with standards based science and/or mathematics teaching practices.
SCIENCE-FOSS, STC, BSCS, MATH- Everyday math, Math in Context and MaThematics
"Teachers As Agents of Systemic Change (TAASC) Tentative Schedule" - TAASC
1 week
139 teachers
To teach content, making use of a variety of teaching methods encouraging teachers to use them in their own classrooms.
MATH - Core-Plus, Connected Math, SIMMS, Interactive Math and others
"GEMS - NET Summer Science Institutes" - Guiding Education in Math & Science (GEMS-NET)
4 days, 4+ hours per day
15-25 GEMS-NET K-6 teachers per session
To extend and build deeper content from related kits across grades, and to make connections and integrations across the curriculum. Also to provide research experiences.
SCIENCE *stipends and University credit offered.