
Susan Loucks-Horsley, Rodger W. Bybee
In this article, Susan Loucks-Horsley and Roger Bybee ask "How will we know when we're there?" and discuss what successful implementation of the standards might look like. This article was originally published in Science Teacher, 1998, Vol 65, Number 6, p. 22-26 and is posted by permission of the National Science Teachers Association (NSTA).
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Implementing the
National Science Education Standards
How will we know when we're there?
When the National Science Education Standards was released in 1996, members of the science education community embarked on a
journey one they hoped would result in higher levels of science literacy for all
the nation's students. Constructed by tens of thousands of people who were
engaged in the writing, review, and consensus-building processes, the Standards
is a guide to strategies, structures, and policies that support world-class
science education. The Standards specifies teaching, assessment, professional
development, program, and system standards and perhaps most important, it sets
content standards that provide a set of ambitious learning goals for all
The importance and role of standards in
education reform have been re-affirmed on a regular basis. At the 1996 National
Education Summit held by state governors and leaders of some of the nation's
largest corporations, more than 80 percent of states agreed to set globally
competent science education standards. Business leaders agreed that hiring
practices must include school-related performance, and President Clinton
specifically alluded to the positive influence of the science Standards.
Over the past year, discussion of the results
of the Third International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) suggests that a
rigorous set of standards that establishes a single and shared vision for science
education in this country could improve the achievement of our students in
comparison with students around the world (National Center for Educational
Statistics, 1996, 1998; Schmidt, et al, 1996). The power of standards to
influence curriculum, instruction, and assessment, and to create a focus for
professional development, program improvement, and system change can help
implement the vision of a world class, K-12 science education system in the
United States (Bybee, 1997).
STANDARD The Standards
has support at local, state, and national levels. Although voluntary, the
National Science Education Standards has been adopted in full by many states and
local communities. States that set their own standards have used the National
Science Education Standards for rigorous and far-reaching guidance for their
challenging task (Council of Chief State School Officers, 1997).
However, there has been criticism, which
should not be ignored, of current standards. Some educators have voiced
reservations about the attention being given to standards when larger social
problems are being neglected (Nodding, 1997). Debates in California about the
nature and content of standards engage the public and scientists alike. Yet the
concerns appear not to be whether standards should exist but what their purpose
should be and what they should contain. Several books provide insight into and
support for the role of standards in the improvement of U.S. education (Ravitch,
1995; Rothman, 1995; Tucker and Codlings, 1998).
the publication of the National Science Education Standards and the endorsement
of standards in general at both the state and national levels, the time has come
to pay full attention to the task that is even more difficult than setting
standards: implementing them. Standards on paper are useless without actual
changes at all levels. As Diane Ravitch, a respected scholar of American
education, commented about the 1996 Education Summit, "Folks, we still don't
have standards. We just have talk." Two years later, we add, "Now we have
standards; let's get on with it!"
Before implementing the Standards, a short
pause is warranted. At this stage of the journey, it is imperative to determine
how we will know when we have completed this task. The ultimate answer is that
all students will have achieved the outcomes specified in the content standards.But at intermediate points along the journey we need to ask questions such as,"If we are successful in 2,5, or 10 years, what will look different? If we look in classrooms, schools, and communities, what will we see that is different fromtoday?" Such visualization is necessary to keep sight of our objectives. Science teachers simply do not have the time or money to waste making changes without a clear image of their destination and the intermediate points along the journey.
The question, "How will we know when we're
there?" must be asked of each new educational reform. This question should be
addressed from a foundation that includes the National Science Education
Standards, the research evidence on educational change and curriculum reform,
and early work on indicators of the quality of science education. The question
is one we have been asking ourselves and our colleagues since we began
developing, implementing, and evaluating new programs, curricula, and practices
in schools and classrooms.
In the mid-1970s, when large quantities of new
science curriculum materials were being developed, introduced to science
teachers, and implemented with enthusiasm, concerns were raised about how to
measure success. Those who jumped to measure student outcomes were disappointed
to find "no significant differences" when using the new materials rather than
the old. Such findings often proved to be the result of prematurely measuring
outcomes (Hall and Loucks, 1977).
Science teachers who were trying to do a good
job with the new programs had other questions, including, "What exactly should I
be doing to use this program well?" When they were trained in or purchased the
program, few teachers were given a picture of what the changes should look like;
for example, how they should organize for instruction and what roles they and
their students should play. Program developers were dismayed to find the programs
they had designed and tested so carefully were often being used differently than
they had intended, possibly because many developers had neglected to specify what
the program looked like in districts, schools, and classrooms where they had
achieved the best results.
There are several reasons to define carefully
what new programs, practices, and curricula look like when implemented. Careful
definition of teaching practices, student and teacher roles, grouping and
assessment processes, and other practices eases communication between teachers,
administrators, curriculum coordinators, and developers. It helps evaluation by
clarifying how to examine changes and understand their impact. It helps to
monitor implementation so specific needs for professional development and support
can be identified. Finally, it helps build a common vision of what science
teaching and learning are all about.
One method for defining new programs and
practices that has been widely used across the country for all of these purposes
was called "innovation configurations." Its original developers at the Texas
Research and Development Center for Teacher Education used it to study
variations in implemented innovations in schools. In one study, the method was
used to create a " component checklist" that examined the use of each of 61
federally supported school improvement innovations (Loucks, 1983). In the decade
since these studies were conducted, the method has been used to monitor,
evaluate, and provide training and support for dozens of programs and practices,
including those for improving science teaching and learning (Hord, et al, 1987).
The basis of a component checklist, although
sometimes not easy to accomplish, is very straightforward-identify the primary
components of a program, practice, or other change by asking the question, "What
would it look like when implemented?" A more vivid question we like to pose is,
"If you were in a helicopter flying over classrooms, schools, and district
offices, what would you see?" Component checklists can either simply list
indicators of successful implementation for each component (what you would see)
or they can have a "degree of implementation" scale that describes ideal
implementation of a component, acceptable though not ideal implementation, and
unacceptable implementation (Loucks and Crandall, 1982).
(The word "checklist" has the connotation of
trivializing important elements of a program or practice, implying that if all
are performed, or "checked off," implementation is successful. Here we use this
label to point out elements that should be considered. Some elements may
ultimately be ignored, but the decision to do so should be an informed and
thoughtful one.)
A component checklist could assist in the
implementation of the Standards; specifying what to look for in schools and, at
the levels at which policies and support are formulated, allows us to monitor
changes, target areas that need assistance, and evaluate progress. Armed with a
way of measuring progress, we can better communicate among and beyond the
education community, and we can make more informed decisions overall about how
best to use limited resources to improve science education.
To use a component checklist to help
implement the National Science Education Standards, we must ask, at each level
(classroom, school, district, external support, state, and national), "What would
you expect to see if the Standards were in place?" Answering this question can
provide guidance for educators at each level and help those in oversight
positions to assess progress and determine future steps.
Figures 1, 2, and 3 (below) illustrate some of the
"indicators" that science teachers can look for in their classrooms, schools, and
districts. We include the district because teachers are increasingly being called
upon to serve as members of district-level curriculum, professional development,
and program development committees; as providers of professional development and
other support for their peers and preservice teachers; and as representatives of
science education reform for the community. Without having considered which
changes are needed at all levels, teachers may feel unprepared to serve in these
roles. This list could be expanded to include what to look for at state and
national levels as well as organizations that support schools, including
universities and colleges, technical assistance centers, informal science
education organizations, businesses, community organizations, intermediate
agencies, and the Eisenhower Consortia and Eisenhower National Clearinghouse. As
is clear from the program and system standards of the National Science Education
Standards, actions and support from all levels are required if change is to occur
and be sustained.
The points listed in Figures l -3 (below) are only
suggestions. Because local contexts vary so radically, with different state
policies, student populations, and resources, it is impossible to create one
definition of success. In these figures, however, we suggest some starting points
for local educators interested in defining success. Used in active dialogue,
these can help people and organizations at each level ask the all-important
question, "What are some ways that we can contribute to science education reform
and achieve science literacy for all students?"
What would you expect to see in your classroom if the National Science
Education Standards were in place? (Some examples.)
Science teaching standards: - Students engaged in active and extended inquiry
- A curriculum tailored to student needs and characteristics
- Students cooperating and sharing responsibility for learning a Teachers
gathering and analyzing data about student learning
Professional development standards:
- Teachers observing each other's classrooms
- Teachers demonstrating an understanding of science concepts
Assessment standards:
- Continuous assessment and use in planning and adjusting instruction
- Use of multiple methods of assessment
- Assessments consistent with valued outcomes
- Assessment tasks that require students to apply scientific knowledge and
reasoning to real-world situations and those that resemble how scientists work
Science content standards: - Teacher goals for science learning reflect the Standards
- Curriculum materials that teach the Standards a Teachers use curriculum
framework to select and design classroom work
Science education program
standards: - Students have easy, equitable,
frequent opportunities to use equipment and materials for investigations
- Students learn science outside classroom.
What would you expect to see in your school if the National Science Education
Standards were in place? (Some examples.)
Science teaching standards: - Teachers working together to select and adapt curriculum materials
- Teachers discussing their students and refining teaching materials and
- Teachers planning and working together
- Teachers sharing and analyzing data on student learning
- Principal supporting Standards-based teaching
Professional development standards:
- Release time available for school-based professional
- Teachers planning together and participating in longterm learning
Assessment standards: - Assessments aligned with Standards and curriculum
- Assessments influence student assignments, teachers' roles, facilities
Science content standards: - School scope and sequence aligned to the Standards
- Course syllabi teach the Standards
- The criteria for selection of instructional materials align with the
- Content matrix and materials articulated across grade levels
Science education program
standards: - Science program leadership roles
- Teachers have time to plan and execute lessons
- Access to appropriate materials and equipment
What would you expect to see in your district if the National Science
Education Standards were in place? (Some examples.)
Science teaching stondards: - Written instructional guidelines support Standards-based teaching
- Teacher rewards and evaluations based on the Standards
- Teachers hired who
demonstrate Standards-based teaching
Professional development standards:
- Professional development resources spent on Standardsbased
professional development
- Support for long-term professional development opportunities
Assessment standards: - District-wide assessment of student achievement of the content
- Assessment of opportunities for students to learn science aligned with the
teaching, program, and system standards
Science content standards: - Criteria for selection of instructional materials based on
- Curriculum goals and framework reflect the Standards
Science education program
standards: - The statement of goals for science
program includes philosophy, vision, and purpose
- The district science procgram includes all content standards
- The curriculum framework, based on Standards, guides selection and
development of units and courses of study
- Explicit connections are made between science and other school subjects,
particularly mathematics
- Alignment of student goals and expectations, curriculum, assessment, teaching
practices, support for teachers
- Careful articulation between levels of schooling
- Science program leadership roles specified
- Policy documents specify resources, opportunities for professional
development, and leadership to support goals of science program
Science education system standards:
- Teacher employment, evaluation, and professional development
policies and practices are congruent with Standards
- Policies and practices that affect science education are coordinated across
the district
- Policies and practices are regularly reviewed for impact and unintended
- Clear, accessible, frequent information flow
- Resources for reform include adequate time in school day, exemplary teachers,
frameworks, facilities, equipment
- Policies provide equitably allocated resources for students with special
Susan Loucks-Horsley is the professional development director
(e-mail: sloukes@nas.edu) and Rodger W: Bybee is the executive director (e-mail:
rbybee@nas.edu), both at the National Research Council, Center for Science,
Mathematics, and Engineering Education, 2001 Constitution Avenue NW, HA 450,
Washington, DC 20418.
Bybee, R.1997. Achieving Scientific Literacy: From Purposes to Practices.
Portsmouth, N.H.: Heinemann.
Council of Chief State School Officers.1997. Mathematics and Science Content
Standards and Curriculum Frameworks: States'Progress on Development and
Implementation. Wash ington, D.C.: Coucil of Chief State Schools Officers.
Hall, G., and S. Loucks. 1977. A developmental model for determining whether
the treatment is actually implemented. American Educational Research Association
Journal 14(3): 263-276.
I Hord, S., W. Rutherford, L. Huling-Austin, and G. Hall. 1987. Taking charge
of change. Alexandria, Va.: Association for Supervision and Curriculum
Loucks, S. F.1983. Ensuring success: Good news from a study of school
improvement. Educational Leadership 41: 3-32.
Loueks, S. F., and D. P. Crandall, 1982. The Practice Profile: An All-Purpose
Tool for Program Communication, Staff Development, Evaluation, and
Implementation. Andover, Mass.: The NETWORK, Inc.
National Center for Educational Statistics. 1996. Pursuing Excellence: A
Study of U.S. Eighth-Grade Mathematics and Science Teaching, Learning,
Curriculum, and Achievement in International Context. Washington, D.C.: U.S.
Government Printing Offiee.
National Center for Educational Statistics. 1998. Pursuing Excellence: A
Study of U.S. Twelfth-Grade Mathematics and Science Teaching, Learning,
Curriculum, and Achievement in International Context. Washington, D.C.: U.S.
Government Printing Offiee.
National Research Council. 1996. National Science Education Standards.
Washington, D.C.: National Academy Press.
Nodding, N. 1997. Thinking about standards. Phi Delta Kappan 793):
Raviteh, D. 1995. National Standards in American Education: A Citizen's
Guide. Washington, D.C.: Brookings Institution.
Rothman, R.1995. Measuring Up: Standards, Assessment, and School Reform. San
Franeiseo: Jossey-Bass.
Schmidt, W., C. McKnight, and S. Raizen. 1996. Splintered Vision: An
Investigation of U.S. Science and Mathematics Education. E. Lansing, Mich.:
Michigan State University.
Tucker, M., and J. Codding.1998. Standardsfor our Schools: How to Set Them,
Measure Them, and Reach Them. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.