".contrary to popular wisdom,... the amount of turnover accounted for by retirement is relatively minor, especially when compared to that resulting from two related causes - teacher job dissatisfaction and teachers pursuing other jobs. The data show that, in particular, low salaries, inadequate support from the school administration, student discipline problems, and limited faculty input into school decision-making all contribute to higher rates of turnover, after controlling for the characteristics of both teachers and schools."
This article offers a comprehensive overview on factors rooted in the organizational characteristics and conditions of schools that contribute to teacher attrition. It points out that school staffing problems are often the result of a " 'revolving door' where large numbers of teachers depart their jobs for reasons other than retirement."
Note: This link will take you to the CTP (University of Washington) site. You will need to click on the "CTP Research Reports" link and scroll down the list to access the article.