"Education Week's seventh annual report on state efforts in education focuses on the "teacher gap" - the dearth of well-qualified teachers in high-need schools. The report examines possible causes and solutions for the gap and brings together extensive data on the states' teacher-quality initiatives. Quality Counts 2003 also charts progress in other facets of states' education systems, providing annual state report cards, profiles, and data tables."
"Quality Counts 2003 is divided into three sections. "The Teacher Gap" ("Feature Stories" on Web) examines the special theme of this year's report. "Ensuring Qualified Teachers" ("Teacher Quality Data" on Web) tracks state and district policies and indicators related to the theme. "State of the States" ("State Data" on Web) includes more than 100 indicators of the health of each state's public education system. State updates summarize state policy changes in education during the past year."
If you read this report on the Web, the Table of Contents is a useful page that helps to navigate through the report and the three sections mentioned above.