
Kunimitsu Kanai, Dr. John Norman
"The primary purpose of this study was to gather baseline data on gender differences in student attitudes toward science and mathematics as a part of Systemic Reform Evaluation and to see whether this systemic reform effort had enhanced student attitudes toward science and mathematics for both boys and girls. This data will be useful as formative evaluation for curriculum leaders and other supporting personnel involved in this reform effort. Based on this data, changes can be made in the inservice and preservice program for teachers and in other aspects of the science and mathematics program. Knowledge of possible gender differences in student attitudes toward science and mathematics can assist teachers in their mission to help each child become a more capable learner. Furthermore, future evaluators of student attitudes can use this baseline data for determining if progress has been made in the systemic initiative on achieving gender equity."
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AETS (Association for the Education of Teachers (PSU) Conference)
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