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Discussion: Exploring a Case Study

dates: 5/15/2000 - 6/4/2000
description: We are pleased to extend a special invitation to all LSC-Net members to take part in an electronic discussion with Kay Merseth, an invited speaker at this year's PI Meeting. Kay Merseth's presentation at the LSC PI conference focused on the case study "Time and Time Again, Again". Kay will explore this case study in further depth in this LSC discussion and will provide some insights on using the case study method as a tool for professional developement. I am sure that many of you who participated in Kay's excellent case study session will be eager to explore this topic more fully. We also urge you to invite staff who were not able to come to the PI meeting to join in the conversation.

This discussion will be somewhat different than others that LSC-Net has hosted. First, it will only last three weeks so sign on as soon as possible. Second, we ask that you read the case study "Time and Time Again, Again" and also an article "The Development of Professional Developers: Learning to Assist Teachers in New Settings in New Ways" in preparation for the discussion.

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