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LSC Papers and Reports

Assessment and Accountability

11/09/2001 11th Bracey Report on The Condition of Public Education PDK Bracey, Gerald W.
05/31/2001 ABC on Scoring Rubrics Development for Large Scale Performance Assessment in Mathematics and Science WESTAT Westat
04/18/2002 Accountability-based reforms should lead to better teaching and learning-period Ed. Letter Reeves, Douglas B.
06/26/2003 All States Get Federal Nod on Key Plans Ed. Week Lynn Olson
03/03/2004 Ambiguity of Test Preparation: A Multimethod Analysis in One State TCR Firestone, William A., Monfils, Laura, Camilli, Gregory, Schorr, Roberta, Hicks, Jennifer, Mayrowetz, David
09/17/1998 America's Next Achievement Test: Closing the Black-White Test Score Gap Am. Prospect Jencks, Christopher, Phillips, Meredith
09/08/2000 American Educational Research Association (AERA) Position Statement Concerning High-Stakes Testing in PreK-12 Education AERA AERA
03/31/2004 Analyzing Instructional Content and Practices Science Teacher Blank, Rolf, Hill, Stan
11/16/2000 Assessing Students' Mathematics Learning EDC Kantrov, Ilene
06/20/2002 Assessment Crisis: The Absence Of Assessment FOR Learning PDK Stiggins, Richard J.
06/10/2004 Assessment as Inquiry TCR Delandshere, Ginette
08/08/2002 Assessment, Student Confidence, and School Success PDK Stiggins, Richard J.
02/25/2000 Assessments and Accountability Ed. Researcher Linn, Robert L.
01/19/2001 Authentic Standards Movement and Its Evil Twin PDK Thompson, Scott
04/30/2004 Balanced School Accountability Model: An Alternative to High-Stakes Testing PDK Jones, Ken
05/30/2002 British Group Nudges Tests Toward Classroom Assessment Ed. Week Olson, Lynn
09/24/1999 Confusing Harder With Better Ed. Week Kohn, Alfie
06/25/1999 Congress Takes Up Debate on Accountability Ed. Week Sack, Joetta
05/21/1999 Consequences of Assessment: What is the Evidence? EPAA Mehrens, William
12/05/2003 Constraining Elementary Teachers' Work: Dilemmas and Paradoxes Created by State Mandated Testing EPAA Mathison, Sandra, Freeman, Melissa
04/24/2003 Consumer-Referenced Testing PDK Peter Behuniak
12/03/1999 Courage to Be Constructivist Ed. Leadership Brooks, Martin G., Grennon Brooks, Jacqueline
10/18/2002 Death of Science? What We Risk in Our Rush Toward Standardized Testing and the Three R’s PDK Jorgenson, Olaf, Vanosdall, Rick
01/12/2001 Determining Alignment of Expectations and Assessments in Mathematics and Science Education NISE Webb, Norman L.
10/31/2002 Dispelling the Myth Revisited: Preliminary Findings from a Nationwide Analysis of "High-Flying" Schools The Education Trust Jerald, Craig D.
06/02/2005 Evaluating Value-Added Models for Teacher Accountability RAND Corporation Daniel F., McCaffrey, Koretz, Daniel, Lockwood, J. R., Hamilton, Laura S.
06/16/2005 Examining Gaps in Mathematics Achievement Among Racial-Ethnic Groups, 1972-1992 RAND Samuel R. Lucas, Thomas Sullivan and R. J. Briggs, Mark Berends
09/12/2002 Expecting Success: A Study of Five High Performing, High Poverty Schools CCSSO Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO)
03/28/2003 Exploring the Achievement Gap Between White and Minority Students in Texas: A Comparison of the 1996 and 2000 NAEP and TAAS Eighth Grade Mathematics Test Results EPAA Linton, Thomas H., Kester, Donald
10/17/2003 External Support to Schools on Probation: Getting a Leg Up? CPRE Finnigan, Kara, O'Day, Jennifer, Wekelyn, David
01/09/2004 Focus on Ensuring Equity for All Students R&D Alert
04/23/1999 From Barrier to Lever: Revising Roles for Assessment in Mathematics Education NISE Ridgway, James
09/05/2002 Hands-on Science and Student Achievement RAND Ruby, Allen
05/12/2000 High Standards for Whom? PDK Gratz, Donald B.
04/11/2002 High-Stakes Testing, Uncertainty, and Student Learning EPAA Amrein, Audrey, David Berliner, David.
05/26/2000 High-Stakes Tests Lead Debate At Researchers' Gathering Ed. Week Viadero, Debra
06/02/2005 Holding High Hopes: How High Schools Respond to State Accountability Policies CPRE Policy Brief Goertz, Margaret E., Massell, Diane
05/14/1999 Human Cost of Over-Reliance on Tests Ed. Letter Steinberg, Adria
06/02/2005 Impact of the No Child Left Behind Act on Student Achievement and Growth: 2005 Edition NWEA Research Report Cronin, John, Kingsbury, G. Gage, McCall, Martha S., Bowe, Branin
05/28/1999 Improving America's Schools: State Assessment Systems ED Online U.S. Department of Education
07/14/2000 Inquiry-Minded Schools: Opening Doors for Accountability PDK Rallis, Sharon F., MacMullen, Margaret M.
01/13/2000 Inside the Black Box: Raising Standards PDK Black, Paul, Wiliam, Dylan
01/26/2001 Interview with Harold Hodgkinson: Demographics -- Ignore Them at Your Peril PDK Goldberg, Mark F.
01/23/2003 Limits of Sanctions in Low-Performing Schools: A Study of Maryland and Kentucky Schools on Probation EPAA Mintrop, Heinrich
02/04/2000 Making Standards Matter 1999 AFT American Federation of Teachers
06/02/2005 Making Use of Student Achievement Data RBS Currents Wendy Buckwalter Coffman (Ed.)
04/02/1999 Mathematics for the Moment, Or the Millennium? Ed. Week Boaler, Jo
12/15/2000 NAEP: Understanding the Headlines NCTM NCTM News
01/09/2004 Nation's Report Card: Trial Urban District Assessment, Mathematics Highlights 2003 NCES Lutkus, A.D., Weiner, A.W.
01/19/2001 News From the Test Resistance Trail, PDK Ohanian, Susan
10/10/2002 Opening Exercises - Or Never-Never Land PDK Darling, Wendy
07/14/2000 Performance Assessment and the New Standards Project: A Story of Serendipitous Success PDK Spalding, Elizabeth
04/23/1998 Political Legacy of School Accountability Systems EPAA Dorn, Sherman
03/17/2000 Principles and Indicators for Student Assessment Systems Fair Test National Forum on Assessment
06/02/2005 Promise and Peril of Using Value-Added Modeling to Measure Teacher Effectiveness RAND Research Brief
05/30/2002 Promoting Responsible Accountability in Schools and Education PDK Sirotnik, Kenneth A.
01/12/2001 Quality Counts 2001: A Better Balance Ed. Week Education Week
10/05/2001 Quantum Theory, the Uncertainty Principle, and the Alchemy of Standardized Testing PDK Wassermann, Selma
05/14/1998 Question of Value Ed. Week Olson, Lynn
12/14/2001 Rethinking "High Stakes:" Lessons from the US and England and Wales TCR Firestone, William A., Mayrowetz, David
12/07/2001 School and Classroom Practices During Two Years of Education Reform in Washington State CRESST Steecher, Brian, Chun, Tammi
05/26/2000 School-based Standard Testing EPAA Bolon, Craig
03/24/2000 Seat at the Table: Teachers Reclaiming Assessment Through Rethinking Accountability PDK Gallagher, Chris
12/14/2001 Significance of Test-based Ratings for Metropolitan Boston Schools EPAA Bolon, Craig
05/28/1999 Some Comments on Assessment in U.S. Education EPAA Stake, Robert
04/24/2003 Standards and Assessments: Where We Are and What We Need TCR Darling-Hammond, Linda
03/19/2004 Standards and Tests: Keeping Them Aligned Research Points Olsen, Lynn
10/01/1999 Standards at Crossroads after Decade Ed. Week Hoff, David
02/18/2000 Standards for Standards-Based Accountability Systems PDK Sirotnik, Kenneth, Kimball, Kathy
09/26/2002 State High School Exit Exams: A Baseline Report CEP Chudowsky, Naomi, Kober, Nancy, Gayler, Keith S., Hamilton, Madlene
10/17/2003 State High School Exit Exams: Put to the Test CEP Gayler, Keith, Chudowsky, Naomi, Kober, Nancy, Hamilton, Madlene
01/18/2002 State-Mandated Testing and Teachers' Beliefs and Practice EPAA Cimbricz, Sandra
09/21/2001 Students with Disabilities in Standards-based Assessment and Accountability Systems: Emerging Issues, Strategies, and Recommendations (Synthesis Report 37) NCEO Quenemoen, Rachel F., Lehr, Camilla A., Thurlow, Martha L., Massanari, Carol B.
09/30/2004 Taking Data to New Depths Journal of Staff Development Love, Nancy
10/18/2002 Teaching to the Test – The Good, the Bad, and Who’s Responsible CEP Kober, Nancy
07/03/2003 Technology Counts 2003: Pencil's Down: Technology's Answer to Testing Ed. Week Education Week
03/12/1999 Test Of Wills Ed. Week Olson, Lynn
10/22/1999 Testing Our Children: A Report Card on State Assessment Systems Fair Test FairTest
03/03/2000 Transcript of Paul Black's talk PI Mtg. talk Black, Paul
05/30/2002 Up Close and Personal Ed. Week Olson, Lynn
03/09/2001 Usefulness of Annual Testing Varies by State Ed. Week Olson, Lynn
06/04/1999 Uses and Limits of Performance Assessment PDK Eisner, Elliot
03/26/1999 Using Standards and Assessment: Realizing the Promise of Standards-Based Education Ed. Leadership Schmoker, Mike, Marzano, Robert J.
09/21/2001 Value-Added Indicators: A Powerful Tool for Evaluating Science and Mathematics Programs and Policies NISE Meyer, Robert H.
03/19/1998 Value-Added Side of Standards PDK Pipho, Chris
10/27/2000 What Do Test Scores in Texas Tell Us? EPAA Klein, Stephen P., Hamilton, Laura S., McCaffrey, Daniel F., Stecher, Brian M.
03/03/2000 What Do We Mean by Results? Charting the Course of Student Growth Ed. Leadership Wolf, Dennie Palmer, White, Ann Marie
03/26/1999 Why Standardized Tests Don't Measure Educational Quality Ed. Leadership Popham, W. James
11/12/1999 Why Students Lose When 'Tougher Standards' Win Ed. Leadership O'Neil, John, Tell, Carol